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RE: Third Day ...

in GEMS5 years ago

Howdy again sir johannpiber! I think the facts show that the more shut down a country is the sooner they get through this thing. I'm thinking a couple months for you guys.


I'm thinking the same - the lockdown will last a couple of months and I am glad that Austria made this decision early enough.
You can really be glad to live on the countryside and away from people, just take care of Mrs. J.

Stay safe and healthy my friend 🙂

Howdy again sir johannpiber! I agree, I'm very thankful that we are in the country because nothing for us has changed as far as our daily routine.

They are cutting the days of work for the guards down so each guard works one day less each week so that works out very nicely for Mrs. J. because they are still paying them their full wages.

That's good for you and also for Mrs. J. because she is one day less a week in danger of getting infected. On the other hand she is more with you, but I think you are not as dangerous as this virus is 😉 lol

Living in a city apartment is not that funny when you have to think twice before you open the door.

Take care and stay healthy my friend 🙂

Yeah I wish you guys were in the country like your parents are. Are they having things delivered so they don't have to get out into the public and around people?
Very true about Mrs. J. She will be exposed one less day so that is good indeed.

Plus her schedule is crazy now..I will have to check with her but I think now she only works 2 days on one week and 4 on the next one. Or maybe it's 2 and 3

Yes, that would be great now, because then it woul dbe easier to get out in the fresh air.

My parents can go shopping to the next village which is only about 3 miles away and tomorrow I'll visit them and bring them some things they didn't get there or maybe my mum just forgot to buy them.
But I won't go inside the house or too close to them. Maybe I'll go for a forest walk though, but I don't know yet.

That's a cool schedule too, maybe even better than ours, because one week at home is quite long when you cannot go outside whenever or wherever you want.

Take care and stay healthy my friend 🙂

Well we have tons of work to do around our place so that is an advantage. Mrs. J. told me tonight that they gave her tomorrow off and this is her fri, sat and sun off already week and they also gave her Monday off so she gets 5 days off in a row with pay so that's really nice.

Yeah you probably really need to go for a walk in the forest!

Hey, that's good - now she can take care that you don't make any nonsense ;)

I didn't go for a walk and drove home after a short talk. It was just too weird to stay outside and in a distance from my parents. But they are fine and they know they can call me whenever they need something.