How about Hive bloggers today I bring you a slightly different post, since we have a friend who likes plants a lot and has too many in his house, so much so that when I visit him I feel like I'm in a different place, like in a mountain or in the field. Contact with nature is wonderful, that's why I love visiting my friend Mario. With a lot of patience, he takes me through his patio where there is an extensive range of small crops that he uses for his consumption and gives us many items of it.
Comienzo contándoles que plantas hay, la primera imagen es cilantro de pozo que es una planta que se utiliza para colocarle a las comida, su nombre se debe ya que se da en zonas donde hay ríos, sin embargo en este patio alejado de rio se cosecha. También tenemos las majestuosas plantas de coco las cuales siempre le regalan a mi mamá para hacer unos deliciosos helados, aunque en ocasiones es difícil tumbarlos por lo alto. Otra planta es las de topocho que es familia de los plátanos y cambures, y la utilizamos verdes para la sopa.
I begin by telling you what plants there are, the first image is well coriander which is a plant that is used to place food, its name is due since it occurs in areas where there are rivers, however in this patio away from the river it is harvested . We also have the majestic coconut plants which are always given to my mother to make delicious ice creams, although sometimes it is difficult to knock them over the top. Another plant is the mole, which is a family of bananas and bananas, and we use it green for the soup.
Aquí podemos observar una siembra de maíz para preparar nuestras deliciosas arepas y cachapas. Tenemos también plantas de yuca, que es un tubérculo porque nace debajo de la tierra y la usamos para la sopa o acompañante de las ensaladas. Allí vemos a Mario mostrándome una planta que no conocía, una especie de espinaca.
Here we can observe a corn planting to prepare our delicious arepas and cachapas. We also have yucca plants, which is a tuber because it grows under the ground and we use it for soup or as an accompaniment to salads. There we see Mario showing me a plant that he did not know, a kind of spinach.
No podía faltar la siembra de caraotas. El malojillo que es una planta medicinal. Además de las flores que solo tome foto a esta que me pareció super diferente y muy hermosa.
The planting of beans could not be missed. The malojillo that is a medicinal plant. In addition to the flowers, I only took a photo of this one that I found super different and very beautiful.
Aquí les muestro su siembra de tomates que ya esta dando frutos, el cilantro que a mi mamá le gusta mucho para colocarle a la comida. Y también tiene unos ajices super picantes que no pruebo ni loco. jajajajajaja.
Here I show you his tomato planting that is already bearing fruit, the coriander that my mother likes a lot to add to her food. And it also has some super hot peppers that I don't taste crazy. ha ha ha ha ha ha
Bueno amigo fue un placer contarles esta historia, incentivando a cuidar las plantas y el medio ambiente, vivir en un planeta verde seria lo ideal. Yo como niño disfruto mucho del medio ambiente, gracias a Mario por mostrarme sus plantas. Nos vemos pronto. Todas las fotos son propias, editadas en Power Point.
Well friend, it was a pleasure to tell you this story, encouraging you to take care of plants and the environment, living on a green planet would be the ideal. As a child I really enjoy the environment, thanks to Mario for showing me his plants. See you soon. All photos are my own, edited in Power Point.