A Broken Love 💔 { Eng-Esp }

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)

El poema "Un amor roto" trata sobre la experiencia del hablante de una relación fallida. Alguna vez creyeron que su amor era divino y lleno de esperanza para el futuro, pero el final de la relación los dejó con el corazón y el alma destrozados. El corazón y la mente del hablante se han congelado en el tiempo, incapaz de seguir adelante por el dolor de su amor perdido. A pesar de la tristeza y el dolor que sienten, el orador trata de mantener la cabeza en alto y no dejar que su corazón roto muera. Recuerdan el amor que compartieron y cómo alguna vez fue tan fuerte y verdadero, pero ahora se ha roto, dejándolos con lágrimas que nadie puede ver y un dolor tan profundo que los mata por dentro. Tuvieron el sueño de volver a encontrar el amor, pero ahora se dan cuenta de que su corazón roto nunca volverá a ser el mismo. En última instancia, el poema refleja el dolor y la tristeza del hablante a raíz de una relación fallida, y su lucha por encontrar esperanza y curación frente a la angustia.


A broken love was once mine,
A love that seemed so divine.

The future seemed so bright,
But its end brought me such fright.

A broken Love , A broken Love

My heart now aching and sore,
All its hope I can't ignore.

My soul now feeling so blue,
No love for me will ever come true.

A broken Love , A broken Love

My heart and mind have stopped in time,
No amount of love can make it chime.

But I try to keep my head held high,
Not letting my broken heart die.

A broken Love , A broken Love

My love was once so strong and true
But now its broken in two
The tears I cry, no one can see
The pain of a broken heart, so deep

I thought of us and what we shared
But now I know, it was not fair
I loved you more than words can say
But now you have gone, so far away

I had a dream that I could love
But now my dreams are far above
The pain of losing you, I cannot deny
It kills me inside, I want to die

My broken love, it will never be the same
It's filled with sadness, and nothing to gain
I loved you more than I can say
But now my broken love is here to stay.

Chandan Malana

The poem "A Broken Love" is about the speaker's experience of a failed relationship. They once believed their love was divine and full of hope for the future, but the end of the relationship left them with a broken heart and soul. The speaker's heart and mind have become frozen in time, unable to move on from the pain of their lost love. Despite the sadness and heartache they feel, the speaker tries to keep their head held high and not let their broken heart die. They recall the love they shared and how it was once so strong and true, but now it has broken apart, leaving them with tears that no one can see and a pain that is so deep it kills them inside. They had a dream of finding love again, but now they realize that their broken heart will never be the same. The poem ultimately reflects the speaker's pain and sadness in the wake of a failed relationship, and their struggle to find hope and healing in the face of heartbreak.

A Broken Heart Poem is from Book Love Is On Fire