안녕하세요 😃
이제부터, 나의 일상을 여기에 포스팅하고 싶어요.

I am a resilient individual, taking on the roles of both a loving mother and a hardworking about shitty wage. With two wonderful kids to care for and a family to protect, I have tried to embrace the responsibilities of motherhood wholeheartedly. Every day, I wake up with a clear sense of purpose, driven by the need to ensure my family's well-being.
As a working mom, I am constantly striving to strike a balance between my job and my home life. This is no small task, and I am well aware of the challenges it presents. In addition to my family and job, I have also taken on the pursuit of higher education for a better job and better money. It is a crazy endeavor, but I see it as an investment in my future and the future of my family.
My mornings starts with organization of tasks, ensuring that everyone's needs are met. I create a to-do list, not just for work but also for my family, making sure I am trying to make sure their requirements. I often find myself hoping for some assistance from the other adult in the household whom I called a husband, but it is not always guaranteed. Some days, things go smoothly, while others are more chaotic. I do not shy away from admitting that there are moments when I feel overwhelmed, and that is perfectly okay. I do not have to fight extra battles to prove my dedication. It is evident in the effort both adults put into every facet of our family life.
Balancing it all is a constant challenge, but I am not alone in this journey. Many working moms like me face similar struggles, and I take comfort in the knowledge that I am not alone. I believe in the importance of self-care, even when it seems difficult to find the time for it. As a strong and capable woman, I am determined to provide for my family and achieve my personal goals. I understand the value of perseverance and hard work, and I embrace each day with the unwavering resolve to create a brighter future for my loved ones.