[Korean Ms. Tiger's Diary] GOOD BYE 2021, HELLO 2022 (11 Photos)

in GEMS3 years ago

안녕하세요 😃


From now on, I would like to post my daily life.
이제부터, 나의 일상을 여기에 포스팅하고 싶어요.


🌞 The first Monday of 2022 started🌞

Holy moly. I can't remember how I spent 2021 even well or bad. Just worked worked and same old same old. Every day got up and went to work and came home as super exhausted. It had been repeated and finally had WINTER BREAK! Yes, it is 3 weeks long but now already a week left. Last 2 weeks had fun with family spending quite quality time together. At least we, with my husband, tried to do our best for our little boss 👶. But still something is missing and I don't know why. So here I am trying to review my break and plan to do better this year for best balance as working mum.


My Favourite Song for commute

From the first day of December I started to listen all the Christmas songs. I can say I had listened all kinds of random songs for this holiday. At least it helped me to survive from the depressing vibes around me. Pretty enjoyed.


Did I have wonderful Christmas?🎄


Here, we don't really celebrate Christmas and even don't count as huge holidays. It is just one of off day to rest at the end of year or a day which couples expect to have the sweetest dating. But for us, this year Christmas turned out pretty big event because @rudi-love came to visit us. Lately he started to work in South Korea so could make old good friends reunion. Driving around and chat chat chat. Yes, on Christmas we had a family picture with him. Yes, he is a super duper amazing uncle for our little boy. Definitely fun dinner and drinks with family. Such a sweet Christmas time together.




Yes, I got the third shot and since then I am pretty okay so far. No fever and extra annoying symptoms. Also quite happy to get Pororo bandage. 🤣😜



Keeping longer hair has been difficult for me. In the morning struggled to fully dry and while caring my boy, he kept pulling so had to always tie up. So finally decided to get a haircut and it is the shortest I have tried. It came out quite nice on me. So happy to get a new style to refresh myself as a woman.



Had quality of reading time

I loved reading but, I know it sounds like an excuse, I had not enough time to read since I went back to work. To make okay balance of my time and caring babies, I had to give up my time to take care of myself. But now I have my break and I can enjoy reading time and listening music. I feel that I am enjoying my quality time fully.



It was 8 am in the morning

After Christmas, my boy's daycare had the winter break, which means it is all mum's turn to babysit. He usually wakes up like 7:30. Ans his day starts. Lately he can walk well so the amount of energy and effort mum has to put is quite bigger. And he loves to put out all his toys from the toy boxes. One morning he did and disappeared. Fred, a big brother cat of our child, was chilling on the piles. What a peaceful morning I have every day. Also pretty appreciate my child is a pretty happy one❤️



Lately found his socks almost always put like this,


My fun part of life being with these two boys. These two are getting CUTER and NAUGHTY.


MY PJS from My SWEETEST GUY for winter holidays

He usually calls me when I have vacations or holidays, "DOBBY IS FREE." Yes, I am free literally. But not really free from my home jobs as a wife and mum even though not good enough. I know I keep giving the excuses like I am working, I am busy, I am so stressed out and blar blar. Quite sorry to my man who always save me from drowning all the stuff and helps a lot to care our child. He is amazing and I appreciate him so much. Thank you honey.

So this year what I am going to do to be BETTER?

I have so many things to do on my mind. Even not really clear and organized yet because too many. But the main thing is I have to take IELTS TEST to register some programme. Also definitely to help more my husband on home stuff as a wife. Yes, I know I have to listen to him carefully always, which should be the first and super important because I am too stubborn. And have to try to find my peace physically and mentally. 2021 has been great but there are some missing pieces I couldn't find yet. I don't expect to make perfect but want better picture for my life and hope this year can be the one.