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🦋 Butterfly 🦋
What is your favourite creature? Do you like insect? What kinds of insect do you like? For me, hoestly I didn't really like or have any interest on insects. When I had to help science class and field trip for learning nature, this was quite hard part to enjoy by myself. Anyway, once in Malaysia we visited Entopia, which is insect and nature museum.

Penang Butterfly Farm, but more like full of natures

The entrance was pretty well decorated with CUTE THEME

One of characters, TORO
He had something special on his left eye

A little butterfly friend

Slowly walking along the signs, there were so many things to see first. Even this was the right beginning to start real tour to meet butterflies. Each booth or little room for insects were decorated as what it was. And this was exactly enthusiasm on what they love.

I don't like reptile but this little buddy looked very CUTE

Look at these mean friends
How many could you see?

Walked out to another part of farm
Felt like just in Amazon jungle
Full of trees and plants and bushes