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🌞 The End of My Day🌞
Since I went back to work after the second leaves for parenting and maternity leave, I have been overwhelmed like this as below.
1.Everything that’s supposed to be done must be done perfectly.
2.Sometimes, I feel like I need to isolate myself or leave a situation.
3.I need to stick to my daily routine—like leaving the house by 7 or doing laundry at a specific time.
4.I have to follow through with what I’ve planned.
5.If I don’t, I tend to abandon tasks entirely and it takes me a long time to get back to them.
6.I have strong boundaries: no one should touch or reorganize my stuff—it feels like an invasion.
7.I have my own way of doing household chores, so people can either follow my methods or not help at all.
8.My mess is my mess, and I admit it can be terrible.
9.Yet, I ignore it and avoid thinking about it.
I’m constantly seeking sensory comforts to calm myself down.

So here question,
😮 Anyone know adult can get ADHD? 😮
Since I have been working with kids for last almost 7 years, I have found there must some earlier symptoms of their physical or mental status. The more I know this, The more I felt I have one.
Here I can tell that no one around me seems not really caring. Also one of the important human being around me seems not really care, but my anger which comes from my fucking stupid OCD and these kinds of symptoms. Oh, what an interesting thing here is as my MBTI is INFJ so I really care and get some good wordings from people around me. I love to share and get understood how I feel! But home no one seems to understand. NO ONE! Felt more fucking frustration. It made me feel I AM TOTALLY ABNORMAL. I have thought to share this on Thread but it is too randomly open to people and whoever is following me from Instagram can check. So felt totally NO PRIVACY.