Hello everyone hope you all are doing well. Today I will be sharing my routine for weight loss. Ok before sharing my weight loss routine let me clear one thing weight loss is the game of brain. Before starting your routine you need to set your mind that yes you can do at any cost otherwise you wont be able to do so.
This is actually not a diet plan just i had changed my habits and because of that my skin has also changed. There is no dark circles. And this routine can be followed by everyone. There is no side effect of this. Now let me start sharing my 5 steps to weight loss. The first one is to active your mind also not only the body. You should sit calm start working.
Working does not mean office work there are many house works which we dont do. I try to help mom in kitchen and does not take rest. So this helps my body to be active all time with my brain. Next point is we should had our dinner 2 hours before going to bed. Early dinner is best for weight loss. Just follow this for 15days you will see that your face is becoming glowing and clear and your body will start feeling light. Third point is you need to stop drinking coke and all and start drinking lots of normal water.
Dont try to leave at once what i did is from coke i came to lime juice then i came to cold water amd then to normal water. Now i am habituated to drink normal plain water. You need to stop drinking fizzy drinks. Next point is to drink luke warm water before going to bed. This is the must which you need to do before going to bed ok. With this do 3-4 mins exercise everyday. If you cant do that much then atleast do for 2 mins. It will help to improve your skin too.
Our last step is to stop over eating. Previously what happened i eat each and every thing which i see in front of me. But now keep anything in front of me i will not eat. You need to complete your craving ok. It does not mean that i eat keeping half stomach empty. I eat that much in which i think that yes my is stomach is satisfied with this. Now there is routine of day 1 and day 2. For day 1 in the morning i do exercise. Exercise include in hale and ex hale for 5 mins.
In breakfast i basically take milk without cream or you can also take chai without sugar and i take a roti of my palm size with little curry whichever is cooked at home ok. In my lunch i take any fruit and max to max i take 2 fruit ok. For my dinner i take chicken tikka which is cooked without oil that one and 1 cucumber plus 3 tbsp of yogurt. After 2 hours or before going to bed i drink luke warm water and then exercise for 2 mins ok. Now lets come for 2nd day.
Before breakfast same exercise of inhale and exhale. In breakfast i take milk without sugar and then i take 1 bread toast and 1 vegetable kabab or egg. It varies whichever is available to me i eat it. In lunch i take black chana chat. And for dinner i take 10 tbsp of rice with any curry. And then before going to bed the same step luke warm water and 2 mins exercise.
Thanks Everyone For Stopping by and spending some time on my works and I hope you liked it :)
I am Alisha, a resident of India who loves to create and interact. I am known by @iamalisha in the blockchain world and in real life I do graviate towards creating videos, listening songs and hunt for ways to bring my dreams to reality. Please Drop below your valuable feedback and help me grow and march ahead :)
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Thanks a lot for Stopping By :)
I will Be Back AGAIN Soon
I eat so much, I probably should make it as a competitive level 😁. Good job, so it's all mental?
Hehe, everyone loves relishing bellies :) Yep, the mental aspect does control all of it to a great extent !
Thanks for stopping by !
My pleasure!
Some super guidelines and tips! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked it !
Thanks for stopping by !