Train yourself as a woman before getting married

in GEMS3 months ago

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Hi, I have observed greatly that so many women go into marriage without preparing for the great task ahead. I have seen many women who just want to get married because they are bored and tired of their parents home. There is need to know what exactly one wants in the marriage. A woman needs to go to school or learn a trade especially in this part of this country. Nigeria is a country in which the economy is not that stable and the woman needs to be very supportive and also contribute to the development of the house. A woman should always try to be independent and have something doing doing.

Some parents are interested in giving out their children and also see this as a means of getting money during the marriage and engagement. A lady needs to know who she is getting married to and be her friend. Love sometimes is not enough to get married but that won't pay bills. My mummy always advice us to work hard and make sure we also have something to contribute no matter what.

What makes some lady's suffer in marriage in marriage is because they are idle and they just sleep and wake up. Some lady's are interested in getting married to a rich man who will assist them financially. What if the man should die or divorce them, what exactly will happen to them. They wont have anything to fall back to. Parents should also make sure their wards are properly mentored and are not half baked and they have something to offer before getting married. Some lady's get unlucky with men because it's possible for the man to be stingy and not a responsible one. If a lady who just got married faces this and she is not working. It's likely she get herself in trouble.

Sincere appreciation goes to everyone for checking my blog and for your comments always. God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏


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Contents are written by Originally by me @akintaiwo

  • @akintaiwo is am administrative staff at the Polytechnic, Ondo. I attended Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo state. I enjoy cooking alot and it has being part of me since I was a kid. I like football and basketball. I also like travelling and exploring.

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