I wish that time would come again

in GEMS4 years ago

I wish that time would come again

This was the time when we opened our eyes in this society.


And when intellect and consciousness caught our finger, time was flying in front of us like a bird, spreading its beautiful wings.
This was the time when all of Nanyal's relatives were called uncles, aunts, aunts and many grandmothers.
And of all the relatives of Dadial, uncles, aunts and uncles were called puffies and grandmothers.
Which are called distant relatives nowadays.
It was a time when there was no mobile phone or internet.
And there was a TV in one of the houses in the neighborhood.
But still it looked like its own.
The road was rough and somewhat paved.
This was the time when the wheat was harvested and all the relatives came without any invitation.
This was the time when a house was built or repaired and invitations were given with such love that nowadays no one invites marriage with such sincerity.
This was the time when someone would get married and the bridegroom and his family would be hennaed like henna.
Could see
This was the time when someone would die, and everyone would cry as if someone had passed away.
This was the time when there used to be a hujra in the village.
And every day people would sit together at night just to hear something new today and people would sit up late at night and gossip.
This was the time when friends used to come and camp ten days before weddings.
Whether it was happiness or sorrow, there was no difference between the love and sincerity of the people.
It was a time when wealth and money were scarce, but people's hearts and pockets were filled with love and sincerity.
This was the time when everyone had children.
And if children had to fight with each other during sports, it would not reach the level of adult fighting.
As is the case nowadays, it is a matter of normal routine.
Then the bird of time flew and brought us to today's age.
It is believed that today there is a train of wealth and money.
Today there is an abundance of food. Every human being seems to be happy.
But there is still a lack of sincerity and love that cannot be bought with wealth and money.
Why not be ahead in every way today.
Where there is no lack of wealth, no lack of good things, no lack of luxuries, no lack of knowledge.
So that you will get all the comforts and things in the world.
Except love and sincerity.


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you looking so beautyfull my brother. I greet you from Bangladesh.


Thanks ❤️ brother I am Pakistani