Don't Wanna be Last Guy to Leave The Party : Mastering Prioritization

in GEMS3 years ago


The topic of today's short talk is don't be the last guy to leave the party.

So, this is a message that is specifically addressed to the 20-somethings in the audience.The 20s and in particular your early to mid 20s or a really interesting time in our life because it's probably the chapter of our life that will be most dominated by your friendships.

In many respects it's still a continuation of college. Your peers and your friends play such an enormous and rewarding role in your life and most of your socializing is done in your friendgroup. There's a lot of going out there's, a lot of partying and that's all well and good there's nothing wrong with that It's important to understand however that this doesn't last forever.

When you get to around 28 over the next five years from 28 to 33 your friend group will start to fall apart. This is usually not due to falling outs of any kind, if anything everyone still feels as positively about their friends as ever.

It's just that other parts of life slowly become more important. one person decides to go back to law school, another person moves away for a better job opportunity, yet another person get into a serious relationship and starts having kids.

For better or worse people begin to prioritize other aspects of their lives above their friendships. So, why am i talking about this. have you ever been to a house party ? it's a lot of fun, the music is playing, the drinks are flowing and everyone's having a good time. But then around a certain point of the evening people begin to make their exit.

In the beginning it's just a person here or there then it's a few couples and then there's this mass exodus and like within the space of 20 or 30 minutes the party just dies, almost everyone clears out.

Now, maybe you are having a fantastic time and you're not ready for the night to end. Have you ever not left with that mass exodus ? Have you ever had the experience of being the last guy or girl at the party?.

Chances are you have and chances are it wasn't a pleasant one. The music is now uncomfortably loud, maybe someone's passed out in the corner there's vomit on the couch and the bathroom's a mess and then the sadness sets in.


It's generally not a good experience to be the last person to leave the party and that's because nothing good happens after a certain point in the night.

Now this piece of information is useful for any given saturday night but it's also useful in the context of your 20s as a whole.

So, we can generalize the scope of this piece of advice. The first half of your 20s will be dominated by your friends and fun. But then some people are going to get married and some people are going to get serious about their careers and some people are going to suffer death and loss and then there's going to be this mass exodus.

You don't want to be the last person to leave the party, you don't want to be the xx year old who's still trying to get high and wasted with his friends on the weekend constantly. At that point your friends are gonna have other things to do and frankly so should you.

So, enjoy your time while you can but leave while the getting is still good. hopefully that makes sense.


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Hi @hollowins! At first, I found the reading interesting and the party thing seemed like a good recommendation, but then when I saw the relationship between what happens in life after 20 and the party thing, I stayed speechless 😱.

Do you know that there is a disorder called Peter Pan Syndrome that identifies those people, especially men who, although they are adults, are still impure as children or adolescents?

They are dependent, they do not want to assume certain responsibilities or take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, they always seek the attention of others and the satisfaction of their desires above those of others. These types of people are one of those who end the party and continue there.

Although this is not a psychological disorder but a behavioral one, it undoubtedly causes problems in the person who suffers from it and in their possible partners. But being aware of this is the first step to get out of eternal adolescence hahaha. Of course, not everyone who stays longer at the party necessarily suffers from this disorder, because not everyone matures at the same time. That's why I loved your metaphor. I congratulate you, excellent work 🤝😉.

Dreemport brought me to you 🤩

Hi fellow dreemer @marbrym ,

First, thank you for your great response & explanation. I heard about this before and I do believe we have the ability to guide our intentions for any aspect of our life. also, This article is made just as a friendly reminder for those who need it out there.😀

That's right, it's an excellent reminder 😁

What matters most is building something that lasts.

It is good and well to let loose sometimes, especially when you can during the weekends. It is good because unwinding when necessary is important for our mental wellbeing, thinking process, and functionality in general.

I am in my 20s, but I am not the one to spend hours, or any time at all, partying. However, the analogy is very much applicable to life.

This is the time to build, and one should build. There will come a time when what you have built is what you will stand upon, as it will be a rock foundation that will see one through.

Investing time to build is never easy, but it is important that one does do it. One should focus on what matters.

Thanks for sharing. I came from Dreemport.

Hi @olujay ,

This is the time to build, and one should build. There will come a time when what you have built is what you will stand upon, as it will be a rock foundation that will see one through.

it's nice to know that you found this by yourself and also great mindset you have there.
my pleasure dear fellow dreemer

Very interesting article, i can't relate, I'm not 30 yet, thou I'm married now with kids, no much friends around anymore not even the time to hangout

Dreemport brought me here

Hi Fellow dreemer @glorydee

it's ok everyone has their own life experiences, my point is all about prioritizing and getting more productive. and also just a friendly reminder for those who need it out there. Good day~

Quite interesting. I'm only in my mid-twenties and my friendships are already beginning to fall apart. My girls are getting married and loneliness is starting to creep in. But I understand that it's all part of growing up and I have gotten used to it. Now, I'm trying to figure out what next step to take. I totally relate understand your write-up.

Hi @omosefe ,

you go girl. I'm glad you found my article helpful and thankyou for stopin by

I am in my early 30 and married as well, so many things about me and my friends teared apart due to responsibilities but times, we still create time to unwind.

Hi @nkemakonam89 ,

cheers up, side by side or miles apart real friends are always close to the heart