With the help of some relatives and friends we made arrangements to celebrate her birthday at a beach houseThis week we celebrate Easter in Venezuela. Even though the actual holiday only includes Thursday and Friday, it has been customary to take the whole week. This year Easter coincided with @manujune's birthday. This year is not just any birthday; it is her 18th birthday and she asked us to make it special.
The holiday allowed my daughter Anna to come visit us from Puerto Ordaz and for me that has been a double reason for celebration.
Rancho Miramar is the place we have rented and it is a fantastic beach house. I had never been here. It is offered to the public for family events or just a weekend retreat. It has all the comforts and services,except WiFi, but it is very safe and it has the nicest view.
With my princesses
The pool
One of the churuatas/kitchen /dining room
The place is full of tiny details that make the decoration quite harmonious with the environment.
The beach. This is actually the end of the golf. It is not still open sea. Early in the morning the water is quite calm. Later it gets quite wild and cold.
The kids having a very late lunch.
The logistics for the food was a bit bumpy.
Anna had some pending homework, so we tried to cover as much as we can. Not easy. The homework is Garcia Marquez's One hundred years of solitude, a novel I have read a couple of times and highly recommend as not only one of the best (probably the best) Latin American novels, but one of the best books ever written.
It's almost night at the time of finishing this post (lots of interruptions) and we have had a great time so far. Tomorrow, we'll receive some guests and our @manujune will celebrate her 18th.
I drink to her health and thank for her life; a beautiful and talented life that has brought us lots of joy.
Thanks for stopping by

@hlezama profeeeee! que divino que haya compartido con su familia estas fechas C= nada como un buen diia de sol y playa
Justo terminando la fiestecita. Todo bien. Happy EasterGracias, @nikol-20
¡Qué hermosa es esa playa! ¡La huelo, la siento, la escucho ¡Disfrútala mucho ! Oigo el viento "seco" de la Semana Santa soplar. Me acuerdo del silencio que quedaba en la LLanada para estas fechas.¡Qué nostalgia esas fotos!
Gracias. Hacía mucho que no habíamos algo parecido. Se siente una paz indescriptible. 🫂 🏖️