Hello good evening friends of the hive, I hope you have had a wonderful day, as many know in a short time classes begin, for that reason today I will show you how to make a school organizer, it is easy, convenient and very useful for our children to have close and organized their pencils, scissors, compasses and other things. it is also very easy to make and is not expensive.
3 Envases de desodorante
Pega blanca
Pistola de silicon
Barra de silicon caliente
Papel higiénico
Pintura al frío
3 Deodorant containers
White glue
Silicone gun
Hot silicone stick
Toilet paper
Cold paint
Primer paso
Cortamos la parte superior de los envase.
First step.
Cut off the top of the containers.
Segundo paso
Luego pegamos con silicón caliente los tres envases, quedaran de esta manera
Second step.
Then we glue with hot silicone the three containers, they will look like this
Tercer paso
seguimos haciendo la mezcla que lleva la misma cantidad de agua y pega blanca, y papel higiénico. para continuar cubriendo los envases de desodorante ya cortados y pegados.
Third step.
we continue making the mixture that has the same amount of water and white glue, and toilet paper. to continue covering the deodorant containers already cut and glued.
Les va a quedar así.
It will look like this.
Cuarto paso
Luego la pintamos del color de su preferencia, yo en este caso la pinté de color lila.
Fourth step Fourth step.
Then we paint it in the color of your preference, in this case I painted it lilac.
Y así me quedó mi hermoso organizador escolar, espero les halla gustado.
Feliz noche.
And this is how I got my beautiful school organizer, I hope you liked it.
Have a nice evening.