💕Hola comunidad de Hive 💕
Hello Hive Community!
Today I woke up a little late (9.00am), I got up late because I had a bad night with a toothache, I brushed and got ready quickly to go to the dentist, then I went to prepare my breakfast, I could only drink coffee, because I still had sensitivity in the craving.
My boyfriend and I left, we walked a few blocks to get to the dentist, I signed up and I was patient number 3, so I waited an hour and a half to be seen, while I read some magazines.
Era evidente el dolor de muela porque estaba vencida una amargama, y estaba sensible al comer, la doctora me arregló la muela y me recetó ibuprofeno por 3 dÃas, pagué 10$ equivalente a 26.000.000 Bfs, lo pude cancelar y mi muela quedó como nueva je je je.
It was evident the toothache because it was expired a bitter, and was sensitive to eat, the doctor fixed my tooth and prescribed me ibuprofen for 3 days, I paid 10$ equivalent to 26.000.000 Bfs, I could cancel it and my tooth was like new he he he he.
Llegamos a casa y mi mamá, me preparó una sopa de pollo con fideos y verduras, algo suave y sabroso, después de haber soportado ese dolor en la madrugada, gracias a dios mi muela quedó como nueva, para devorar esta delicia.
We got home and my mom prepared me a chicken soup with noodles and vegetables, something soft and tasty, after having endured that pain in the early morning, thank God my tooth was like new, to devour this delicacy.
El dÃa ha sido bueno porque resolvà con mi higiene bucal, al terminar mis quehaceres voy a cenar y dormir tomándome un chocolate con pan. Esto es todo por hoy y me despido diciendo gracias por un dÃa más lleno de abundancia y salud.
The day has been good because I solved my oral hygiene, after finishing my chores I go to dinner and sleep taking a chocolate with bread. This is all for today and I say thank you for another day full of abundance and health.
Me encana poderte contar todo esto porque soy feliz, muy feliz, gracias querido amigo por acompañándome en mis aventuras y espero mañana volver con una nueva historia que escribir.
I am delighted to be able to tell you all this because I am happy, very happy, thank you dear friend for accompanying me in my adventures and I hope to be back tomorrow with a new story to write.
This is my entry in the challenge of the friend @gamer00, which consists of publishing a daily photo commenting how it was made, also to express some story or review about it and use the tags #onephotoeveryday #dailyandfresh. I invite you to join.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Samsung A02.