There are no proxy appeals for two reasons: 1. because people who have tried to 'defend' others have gotten death threats when they failed and 2. because people who don't have anyone supposedly influential they know would be at a disadvantage. There are no favorites. Everyone is treated equal regardless of how eloquently they sidle up to others. There will never be any favorites. The person who barely speaks English and who just started a few months ago is just as important as the person who attended Steemfests.
I get that you were trying to help. There is little staff because this isn't a job most can do and there's a reason for that.
What about setting defined rules that the community can judge your performance against? It seems, based on my perspective, that rules are made up on the fly.
Fair enough reasons to now allow proxy appeals to me.
Too little staff indeed to put in place something too complex.
I'm still waiting for your reply stop playing games and just review my account and take me off your fake blacklist my content is original and you know it (25th may 2020) you need a whole new team