Llego la navidad a la casa – algo inesperado // Christmas came home - something unexpected [ESP~EN]

in GEMS4 years ago


Hola amigos, esta vez les vengo a contar que hoy llego la navidad a mi casa. Desde hace ya bastante tiempo por el ambiente tan triste se pensó en no colocar la navidad, días anteriores mi mama arreglo el negocio aprovechando que estaba limpiando y quedo muy bonito.

Hello friends, this time I come to tell you that today Christmas came to my house. For quite some time, due to the sad atmosphere, it was thought about not having Christmas, days before my mother arranged the business taking advantage of the fact that she was cleaning and it was very beautiful.



Hoy que estaba limpiando la casa se animó a colocar la navidad, ya que se volvió un tradición de varios años, como las cosas de la navidad (el pesebre) está bien guardado la ayude a sacarlo y a armar el pesebre, como desde hace algunos años no tenemos tanto espacio en la casa se tomó la decisión de hacerlo en un lado de la nevera, además de que es lo primero que se ve desde la entrada de la casa.

Today that she was cleaning the house, she was encouraged to put Christmas, since it became a tradition for several years, as the things of Christmas (the manger) are well kept, I helped her to remove it and assemble the manger, as for some years We do not have so much space in the house, the decision was made to do it on one side of the refrigerator, plus it is the first thing you see from the entrance of the house.

Se quiso hacer pequeño para que ocupara menos espacio, pero al final no salió tan pequeño, porque los muñecos principales del pesebre eran bastante grandes.

They wanted to make it small so that it would take up less space, but in the end it did not come out so small, because the main dolls in the manger were quite large.


Comenzamos colocando las cajas para hacer la base del pesebre, luego colocamos la tela de malla (que representaría el piso y el fondo), colocamos las luces de una forma medio distribuida (pero antes se probaron para ver si funcionaban y todo bien) y poco a poco se colocó los muñecos.

We started by placing the boxes to make the base of the crib, then we placed the mesh fabric (which would represent the floor and the bottom), we placed the lights in a half distributed way (but before they were tested to see if they worked and everything was fine) and little by little the dolls were placed.



Con respecto al lado que se veía de la nevera (la cual es bastante vieja), mi mama quería ponerle papel para que se viera mejor pero como el papel no es tan grueso no se vería bien y se me ocurrió la idea de usar el reverso de unos afiches que teníamos guardados sin utilizarlos.

Regarding the side that could be seen from the fridge (which is quite old), my mother wanted to put paper on it so that it would look better but since the paper is not that thick it would not look good and I came up with the idea of using the back of some posters that we had saved without using them.



Y al final quedo bien, mejor de lo que creí, aunque no esperaba poder hacer el pesebre este año me di cuenta que me ayudo a animarme un poco con la situación un poco dura que estamos pasando.

And in the end I look good, better than I thought, although I did not expect to be able to do the manger this year I realized that it helped me to cheer up a bit with the difficult situation we are going through.



Esto es todo por hoy espero que sea de su agrado y que tengan una linda navidad (aunque aún no es diciembre).

This is all for today I hope it is to your liking and that you have a nice Christmas (although it is not yet December).