Exploring the Deep Roots of Negative Feelings !

in GEMS9 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone !

In this article, we'll look at the negative emotions that overwhelm you at that very moment, or that arise for no apparent reason. Do you suffer from sudden anxiety, fears, sadness or other inexplicable feelings? Let me give you some little-known psychological information: no feeling emerges without a reason. There are always underlying roots, traumas or wounds that feed these emotions. There may also be distorted thoughts or altered beliefs that you can't consciously identify. All this resides in your subconscious, which is why these emotions are absent from your awareness and understanding.

Not understanding the causes and roots of the emotions you're currently feeling doesn't mean they appear without a clear reason. You can't always put your finger on the wound, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Even when you deny its existence, the past may contain events and shocks that caused the feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety you're feeling now. The key to moving forward is to embrace these feelings as much as possible. Accept them even if you don't like them. When there's no acceptance, there's often rejection, because nobody likes to feel uncomfortable.

So, treat these emotions as communication or dialogue from the wounded parts within you. For example, if sadness arises, say to yourself, “Okay, a hurt part is trying to communicate with me right now. There's a sad part.” You can even imagine it as a child seeking attention. About 95% of the time, these emotions are caused by the inner parts of your wounded child, the parts that have been traumatized and emotionally wounded in your past. So treat this sadness or anxiety as a small part of yourself simply seeking your attention right now.

You can even locate these feelings in your body and act accordingly. For example, if sadness is centered in your chest, place your hand on that area and acknowledge the feeling. Observe the difference you feel when you offer your support to this part of yourself that has emerged without prior warning. In your perception, these feelings may seem to arise for no apparent reason, but there are always reasons and roots.


Stay true to yourself

Follow the light of faith in your heart


Best regards !