Siembra de Pimientos

in GEMS9 months ago

Greetings to all! I want to share with all of you a new system that affects the planting of Pepper. I did this homemade planting in five jugs that I made myself with sand and cement. The Procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. I bought peppers at the Fruteria to season my food, then I extracted the seeds.
  2. I exposed the seeds to the open air for three days to dry.
  3. Then I chose a light-textured soil to sift through a metal mesh to add the soil to small plastic cups to make the seedbeds.
  4. After having the soil in the glasses, we sow the seeds and water them twice a day until they germinate.
  5. While we wait for the seedbeds to be ready, we add soil to the seedbeds and moisten them.
  6. Once the seedlings in the seedbeds reach an approximate size of 5 centimeters, we proceed to transplant them into the pochards.
  7. The plants already transplanted in the porrones are watered with water twice a day until they are adult plants and we see the Pruduction for their respective harvest.
    This planting method teaches us that we can produce our own food at home. Furthermore, we are mortified because it is a project that does not warrant excessive water consumption.

Autor: Genaral