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RE: Mineral Mondays #68 - Gem O Rama The End Of An Era

in GEMS3 years ago

Yep. Liar.

Here you are.

By all means continue running your mouth. I'll be happy to throw flags and like I said I can always put you on auto downvote.

I can also add to it my 14 Plus accounts....

So do you really want to fight about this?

Or do you just want to go kick rocks and lip off to somebody else?



I just posted a screenshot of Hiveblocks which shows the actual data. Again, you've got problems dude.

Yeah absolutely you did something and then you turn around and run your mouth.

Absolutely I've got problems I've got problems with you.

So what are we going to do about it you want to continue throwing flags by all means I've got an entire box of them.

Let me know I'm standing by.

I just showed you the blockchain data after you called me a liar. Then you continue to threaten me. WTF is wrong with you dude? Seriously, seek mental help.

Go read my last post and that'll show you the reason why mental health has already been explored.

I don't know anything about your mental problems nor do I care. I care about you calling me a liar repeatedly, threatening me, and downvoting me because I removed a vote from your post.

Yeah you can go ahead and keep running your mouth.

So you downloaded me to remove rewards.

Because we have a problem or something and then you start being offensive and bullying and now you get pissed off and start crying because I tell you that you're being offensive and you're a liar...

How about this how about I'll keep going and I'll downvote everything that you've got until you apologize.

Absolutely if you want to bully and offend somebody... I'm offended.. you're offensiveness offends me. And so does your attitude..

Do you understand English, I removed a proxy vote. That is not a downvote. I haven't downvoted any of your posts, but I will be removing any other of my proxy votes on your posts.

Bullying? lol, dude, everyone can see the chronology of this conversation with you freaking out and threatening me in every post because you can't understand how HIVE works.