
This would be the fastest, and most dangerous visit to the barbers ever. I'm probably going to need to take out an insurance policy for accidental scalping/decapitation before I'd let you go anywhere near my precious hair, mate.

Accidental decapitation is a guarantee Zack. I'm good with a chain saw, but wouldn't be able to help myself I think.

Welp, that's not helping my confidence. Well, I guess we do what we must, because we can :-p

Here's you playing soccer after your haircut.

Lol, I guess life's hard when you don't have a head, eh? 😂

Yep, it's certainly not easy...But think of all the disability perks you'l get...Disability pension, health care, a disability car park sticker...All you gotta do is lose your head.

And, I'd also lose my life. But if I can't have tacos in my life, what else is there to live for, eh?