Guided by fate and meant to be

in GEMS4 years ago

dazz (7).png

The words, meant to be, hint at destiny, the hidden power or force that has the ability to control future events. Of course, one needs to believe in such things for them to be so. original im src

Me? Well I do, and I do not, meaning I will not sit by idly and accept a bad situation as my destiny; I'll work to move it towards a more satisfactory resolution, or to mitigate its impact on the rest of my life. But I believe things can happen in a pre-ordained way also, like a chance connection or encounter that grows into deep bond. I know this happens and the romantic side of me says simply, it's meant to be. Further explanation isn't required; I accept it as the way it is rather than explain it.

What else was meant to be was my sleep in today, Sunday; I don't mean a 0700 sleep in like last week either, I'm talking next-level-sleep-in all the way through to 0830! I know right. Mega! [Not so mega really, but I'm not about to waste much of my Sunday.] I had a bad no-sleep-night to be honest and am feeling a little dusty right now but harden the fnck up princess. Right?

This week's random track

On waking I turned on my Bluetooth speaker as usual, hit shuffle play on my liked songs playlist and as the first song started playing went about my day: Breakfast then cleaning up after a BBQ around the fire I had with a few bro's last night.

As with last week I thought I'd share the very first track that played with you and this week it's a legit song featuring a country music duo I like called Florida Georgia Line [FGL].

Meant to be

But Bebe Rexha - Who the hell?

I'm a huge fan of country music; not stuff from fifty years ago, the more recent music. I like the simplicity of it, the story and the way it often reflects life a little more than some of the other genres. I also like that they play actual instruments, not computers [generally] and mostly keep it real. So how come Bebe Rexha was the first song that came on and maybe more importantly who the actual fuck is Bebe Rexha?

This track, meant to be, is a collaboration between the mysterious Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line, a legit country music duo out of Nashville Tennessee.

I don't think a week goes by without me listening to the lads sing and that's why this track is on my playlists. I'm not sure why the collaboration thing happens these days, I assume it's to gain cross-over-traction, pick up extra fans and record sales though. Unfortunately for Bebe Rexha it hasn't worked on me, I've not bought any of her other music. And won't.

Interestingly though, up until I wrote this post, I had never heard any of her other songs but thought I'd do my due diligence to be thorough and check one of them out.

Most unfortunately for me I clicked on one that has the heinous Nicki Minaj in it called, no broken hearts. I lasted about half way through and then my destiny took me onward to alternate futures. Ok, it wasn't my destiny at all...I clicked close and moved on because I hated it. It was a struggle to get as far as I did. I probably won't ever go back...Unless it's meant to be. [See what I did there?]

Meant to be video spoiler alert

I don't want to ruin the music video for you but I think my synopsis below doesn't ruin it, rather, enhances it and sets up the amazing story line of the video, augments its audio and visual excellence. Have a read then take a look at the video. ⬇️

It starts with Bebe Rexha in a lumberjack shirt hitch hiking with a garbage bag full of stuff, showing some cleavage.

Then it cuts to Bebe Rexha in the back of a Dodge Ram, seemingly sun baking, with a little cleavage showing and hair blowing in the wind, which isn't good for one's hair, particularly if it's long.

All of a sudden she's hitch hiking again, but along comes another car and it cuts to Bebe Rexha in the Camaro seriously flaunting the law, with head dangerously and irresponsibly stuck out the window. I'm going to say there is cleavage, but there's none.

After that one sees Bebe Rexha singing a bit, once more walking on the road, with a generous amount of cleavage showing although she makes a valiant effort to cover her boobs with the shirt but then...Gratuitous cleavage happens. Just for something different.

Finally she makes it to her destination and the story line shifts to Bebe Rexha in a waitress outfit, that doesn't seem to fit her very well, serving in a café with a lot of cleavage showing. In this scene the lads from Florida Georgia Line can be seen eating in a booth. [No cleavage from them of course.]

After that Bebe Rexha leans on the counter showing some cleavage and her cool G-shock watch - Great brand placement. [I'm a sucker for G-Shock watches.]

She falls asleep at the counter and the video enters a dream sequence of her singing on stage at an open-mic-night with Florida Georgia Line and, yep, cleavage - She has on a nice polka dot dress which looks good though.

Then, just like magic, she's back at the café and Bebe Rexha can be seen singing in front of it with cleavage and a some boob-bouncing. She sort of dances but I have suspicions that dancing isn't her forte. [No judgement though, I dance like a rabid spider monkey on crack myself.]

I'll leave it there I think as I really don't want to ruin the surprise at the end of the video...Such a great story line. 😉

I really like Florida Georgia Line and this song. Whilst it's actually a Bebe Rexha song featuring them, is pretty cool I think. She actually has a pretty good voice and it all sort of works. I like it, but I won't be a Bebe Rexaha fan anytime soon I think. It's far from my favourite FGL track but it's good enough to make my liked songs playlist.

Anyway it's Sunday folks. I had breakfast which actually doubled as lunch and did some work around the place, cleaning and handyman stuff that I've needed to get to. It's afternoon now and I'm going to hit the trails for a hike for a couple hours; it's sort of rainy but I won't melt so it's happening.

So that's this week's first track that randomly played this morning; fate? destiny? I don't know, all I know is it was meant to be as some things are. It's best not to question it and let fate play its hand.

Your turn...What are you listening to this weekend?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

I believe this post holds the world record for the most times Bebe Rexha has been typed in one place at one time.


Couldn't agree more on Nicky Minaj. (Does Adam Levine look at the stats for how many people close the tab when she joins in on Girls like you?)
Also with you on country music's appealing simplicity. I've been enjoying 'Drunk on a plane', which somewhat non-cryptically, revolves around getting drunk. On a plane. -

Dierks Bentley...I don't mind his music at all and this is a good track. I'm not sure I'd take his lead and get drunk on a plane though...Might get messy.

Seems there's a strong anti-minaj sentiment around. Makes sense too! Heinous isn't a strong enough word for it.

Haha we have the same opinion on Nicki Minaj, cannot stand the sound of her voice. Here Sunday morning just started (a bit early for my liking at 7am) I always have quiet time in the morning: listen to the birds, wake up slowly and have a cup of tea in bed with my book (currently landmarks bu Robert Macfarlane) so no music here yet. Have a good day!

I was pretty sure I wasn't alone with my intense dislike of the Minaj-creature. My mind literally bends around even the slightest thought of her and listening to her talk-sing? 🤢

Anyway, enjoy your tea and book, and a bit of a lay in. I'm actually hiking now, just started. Cold, drizzling with rain, but awesome nonetheless.

I am a little at odds with country music or rather a lot. However, there are a couple of songs I like and the ones you shared didn't strike me much as 'country'.

Your synopsis write-up was too funny to not check out the song and I can see or rather hear why it made your playlist. It also made me check out a couple of Bebe's vids and - yeah - no thanks.

Never heard of Nicky Minaj and am not in a hurry to check her out.

Stay away from the Minaj, the Minaj is no good. You're one of the fortunate ones who has not had the displeasure. Keep it that way.

I'm not one to like labelling music to be honest. I don't care what it is called in truth, if like it I like it no matter the label it carries. If I don't like it, predictably, I don't like it. We are all different I guess, and so have different likes.

I'm pretty similar, hence I listened to the songs. These days I'm pretty easy.

Easy is good I guess and how it should be with music. Complicating it doesn't make sense to me. I'll listen to literally anything by anyone, provided I like the sound of it and it makes me feel something.

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I dance like a rabid spider monkey on crack myself.]

RoFL! I must see this.

It's entirely possible there's financial and exposure motivation behind the collabs and I can't speak for other people but as a generic artist speaking generically, sometimes collabs are just fun.

So I'm a day late for this post but I made a playlist for the anime steampunk AU my "little" friends and I play on the weekends (they are "little" friends because their gorc's friends aged 16-18, all three of them are at least a head taller than me) because I was looping certain tracks while drawing character portraits (this is a common occurrence) and have been listening to that mostly over the weekend.

The GM seems to approve of it XD

It really is a thing of beauty you know. Glorious in design and movement.

Although...I should probably confess that quite probably a rabid spider monkey on crack might have a slight edge on me...Still, it's a pretty beautiful thing to behold.

Anime steampunk playlist. Sounds fascinating. What's on there?

Only 8 tracks atm. Two are intro and outtro that I would want to use if this roleplay was an anime, three songs that are character theme songs and three that seem like they would fit types of moments or otherwise make me think they would fit into if-this-roleplay-was-an-anime.

I'll probably add more if I get asked to draw more characters and/or feel particularly inspired by something that's in the collection.

Other people doing projects have mood boards, I have sound boards x_x

Mood board, sound board, the main thing is you don't get bored. (I know, dumb dad joke.)

I usually don't have time to be bored XD

the times I am bored I usually find something to do which generally involves running a lot of thoughts and simultations usually simultaneously, people watching and/or intently staring at the environment nutting out lighting and textures x_x

Glad you're keeping the dad joke muscles toned, you'll need them for when the niece and nephew are bigger and can laugh at them (when they're little and everything is funny) and groan at them when they're older ;D

Who doesn't love some simultaneous simulations! Lol.