Últimamente es mucho lo que he estado pensando y reflexionando respecto a las situaciones que se presentan a nivel de sociedad en general actualmente y de la vida. Hace un par de días escribí una publicación reflexionando y comentando un poco sobre las nuevas generaciones llamado El Humano de la Nueva Era(si no lo has leído te invito a hacerlo y comentar), en él me pareció pertinente introducir el concepto del Humano de la Nueva Era.
Lately, i have been thinking and reflecting a lot about the situations that present themselves at the level of society in general today and in life. A couple of days ago i wrote a publication reflecting and commenting a little on the new generations called The New Age Human(if you have not read it, i invite you to do so and comment), in it it seemed pertinent to introduce the concept of the New Age Human.
Today i want to return to this generational theme from the perspective of the different movements that have been evident, but especially those that point out different aspects of life as offensive and inciting hatred, disrespect or multiple forms of dislike. By different aspects, i mean cartoons that many of us grew up watching since we were little, also video games, movies, series, even comments that in front of others would seem normal.
Por ejemplo, una reciente noticia publicada por Diario Yucatán menciona la cancelación de la serie animada “Animaniacs” debido a que una parte del público televidente lo consideró como contenido “inapropiado”. Ante ello el artículo destaca que tan sólo aquellos televidentes pertenecientes a la generación “Millenials” y “Centenials” fueron los que se quejaron de la transmisión de la serie mientras que el resto demostró su emoción por el regreso de la misma a la televisión.
For example, a recent news item published by Diario Yucatánmentions the cancellation of the animated series “Animaniacs " because a part of the viewing public considered it as" inappropriate "content. Given this, the article highlights that only those viewers belonging to the “Millenials” and “Centenials” generation were those who complained about the transmission of the series, while the rest showed their excitement for the return of it to television.
On the other hand, there are many claims that have been made both in real life and in social networks about abuses and constant disrespect towards women with the feminist movement or towards homosexuals due to the fact of not being mentioned in any publication or written. All of this has led to proposals or transformations such as the well-known invention of “inclusive language” which for many (including myself) has been just a stubborn abstraction of language as we know it.
But well, certainly respect should be a fundamental part not only of life in society but also of the individual life of each human being, however it does not always happen that way and because after such situations there are various alternatives that each person can take to enforce your rights and respects. In the case of these situations that I have mentioned above, i wonder, does there really exist or has there been in such cases a disrespect or incitement of inappropriate acts?
Fuente||Source: Alamy
It seems that these new generations under their scientific-social denominations or nomenclatures (MIllenials and Centenials) are characterized by a deep belief or mental scheme of "victims" which frequently leads them to consider as disrespect towards themselves, situations that in themselves tend to be neutral or clearly have other distinct intentions to offend or harm others.
The animated series "Animanias" is a series that many of us grew up with and that not only filled our childhood with joys but also with humor and laughter and in this regard it would be appropriate to ask ourselves, who of us who grew up watching this series are currently inclusive people and loving and who are abusive or harmful people?
Fuente||Source: Wikipedia
This proliferation of victimhood not only goes against those beliefs or philosophies that incite human growth and evolution, leaving aside behaviors of torment or torture and assuming responsibility for our own acts, interests and lives, but they have also led in many cases to the limitation of individual freedom, freedom that we all have by natural right. Many incite inclusive language and see as offense those who do not use it as a form of communication, others feel offended if someone expresses heterosexuality among their tastes without mentioning homosexuality and others are offended if a man expresses his intention to help the woman or if a woman openly considers herself feminine and prefers to leave certain activities to men.
Perhaps it would just be best to accept each of these differentiations and tastes, even if someone is offended. But without a doubt we could send a message of a better coexistence, devoid of victimhood and in which everyone can profess their interests and ideals without having to justify them so that others do not feel rejected or displaced. Maybe we could only work on ourselves: on you as a homosexual, on you as a woman, on you as a man, on you as a heterosexual and accept you, accept ourselves because from acceptance the strength and security of who we are is born, of who you are, and stop caring what others may say because we are proud of ourselves. This would lead us to interact from a different perspective and to observe situations with an open mind. Namaste brothers.
Gracias por leerme, espero les haya gustado esta reflexión, pero quiero saber ¿qué opinan ustedes? ¿Cuáles son sus reflexiones al respecto?
Thanks for reading me, I hope you liked this reflection, but I want to know what do you think? What are your thoughts on this?
Gracias a cada una de las comunidades que a diario trabajan por el buen funcionamiento de esta plataforma y nos ofrecen su apoyo: gracias a @naturalmedicine por el constante apoyo y por hacerse presentes, a @cervantes porque cada vez la comunidad habla hispana en #hive es más grande y por último a @gems y @r2cornell apoyando a los nuevos talentos dentro de hive.
Thanks to each of the communities that work daily for the proper functioning of this platform and offer us their support: thanks to @naturalmedicine for their constant support and for being present, to @cervantes because every time the spanish-speakers community in #hive is bigger and finally to @gems and @r2cornell supporting new talent within hive.
Me gustaría como es de costumbre invitarlos a darse un paseo por mis redes sociales:
As usual I would like to invite you to take a walk through my social networks:
Hola gabrielaflores (58), el tema que has seleccionado me parece excelente y te felicito. Son temas que todos los sectores de la vida social, debieramos estar analizando porque mucha gente lo ignora conciente o incoscientemente y eso impide que podamos superar los defectos que tenemos como seres humanos y que son la oportunidad que tenemos para evolucionar como Seres humanos. Gracias
¡Hola amiga, que bueno que le haya gustado! Así es pienso exactamente como usted. gracias por comentar.
Hola @gabrielaflores, Gracias a ti por tocar el tema, Ojala otras personas opinen sobre este tema a ver si contribuimos a un cambio de pensamiento al respecto. Abrazos.
Este tema es delicado, y es delicado solo por el hecho de la misma razón que expones en este articulo, de que hay personas que se sienten ofendidas por cosas que no son ofensivas. Es bueno que para este tema tiene que ser una mujer que lo haga y no un hombre heterosexual como yo, porque si hago esto me van a invadir este tipo de gente y me van a etiquetar de machista, mosogino, homgofobico y racista, y lo hemos vivido. El punto es que es evidente que debemos respetar a todos por igual sin importar gustos, colores, orientación, religión, etc, la gente sabe que es lo que está mal y que es lo que está bien. Mientras no le hagas daño a nadie no tengo porque atacarte por tus gustos o creencias, es tu vida y nadie tiene derecho de controlarte. Este articulo es excelente, me encanta como lo expresas y me encanta la manera en la que redactas. Gracias por tener el valor de tocar el tema por este medio.
Me encanta la forma que abordaste un tema tan extenso como este. Los tiempos están cambiando y nosotros con ellos, la forma de comunicarnos y afrontar lo que decimos ya no es la misma. Respeto e igualdad para todos. Gracias por traer este tema a Hive.