in GEMS5 years ago

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It's another new month, January seems like yesterday. We are in June already, the last month in second quarter of 2020. It's crazy how time flies.

The older we get, the more we realize we are not going to be here forever. Time is ticking, it waits for no one. Just like the other day, you were in high school. When we realize how time is ticking, it should bring a sense of focus and a sense of urgency. Your assignment has an expiry date and our time on earth is not unlimited.

If you have to reach your highest potential, you have to stay focused never to be distracted by things that are hindering you from your purpose. You don't have to waste all of your time worrying about what people think about you. Your time is too valuable to respond to every critique, every negative comments trying to convince people that you are fine and ok. Everyone is not going to accept you and everyone is not going to like you.

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Quit trying to convince someone who is determined to misunderstand you to understand you. Some people don't want to be for you and that's ok because you don't need them to fulfill your destiny. Everybody cannot be for you, the people that are meant to be for you will definitely be for you, people that will celebrate you, people that will cheer you up, people that will stay with you through thick and thin.

Too often some persons try to convince people to be their friend, to spend time with them. If someone doesn't recognize the talent in you, doesn't value your friendship, do yourself a favour by moving on. No offence, just know that they are not part of your destiny. People God has for you don't have to be talked in to liking you, they will go out of their ways to bless you.

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Some people will say nasty things about you trying to make you look bad. It is not your job to call them out. Leave them to God and let him fight your battles. You are not suppose to engage with every conflict, don't fight battles that are not between you and your destiny, it takes discipline to say I'm not going to waste my valuable time on things that doesn't matter.

Nobody trys to discredit someone that doesn't have any influence. The reason they are talking about you is because you are a difference maker, a world changer.

Till i come your way again, stay positive and have a fruitful new month.

I am Funshel