This pandemic is something we haven't experienced before. People are not able to go to work, the world's economy is shaking, we have to stay apart and our social life is affected. With all these fear & uncertainty, the trauma people go through as a result of this pandemic, emotional life and well being is also affected.
We all have a time where life occurrence shake us. We lose loved ones, an unexpected ailment, being in a job for quite a long number of years and some people trying to push us out. It's easy to get discouraged and wonder why it happened but here is the key, you need to keep the right attitude, all of these will take you to a greater level of influence, higher level of promotion and a better relationship. God use all of these to get us in position for another level.
Without the door closing, we may not get out of our comfort zones and in a way, this is forcing us to grow. We will never reach our potential if everything keep going as it is. Therefore be open to something new, don't go back to the same old way you used to do things. Note, God allowed it in other to shape you into something better, a better position, better benefit in a better environment. It may look like a set back but it if you can think deep, it's a set up. God is using it to shift you to a better place where you couldn't be on your own.
Sometimes God allows the difficulty, an unfair circumstances. You need to understand that the unfair circumstances is not there to stop you but to get you positioned to take you to another level, to see things you've never seen.
Anyone can trust God when life is good, when things are going their way and in their favour, when everything is just perfect for them but the real test is will you trust him when things are not perfect, when things are shaking, when there is uncertainty?
Nothing can happen to you without his permission, it's normal when things feel out of control. It is not going to be forever, it is not going to defeat you but it will take you to another level better than you could ever imagine. God is putting things together, working behind the scenes ready to launch you to somewhere extraordinary.
When you are doing the right thing and a door closes, somebody walked out of your life, you lost a job or a cotract, God wouldn't have allowed the door to close if it was to stop your purpose in life. When one door closes, God is going to open a bigger and a better door. There is a place of victory and a place of abundance God has already prepared for you. There are people waiting for you to use their influence to push you forward, people ordained by God to get into your life.
Quit being discouraged about people who pushed you out, who played politics to get the best of you. They didn't stop you, they are part of God's plan to push you forward.
Till I come your way again, keep the right perspective.
I am Funshel
First image was created be me using my mobile phone.