Hello friends, as I had already told you, we always tried to show how beautiful (in our case we were having a good time with our friend Gelmary), but what I had not told you is that for several days now, she had been presenting a outbreak or allergy in the body, which has been getting worse with the passing of the days and today when we saw that the outbreak increased, we decided to take her to the hospital before starting the injections that a doctor friend had recommended via whatsapp, so we did breakfast, we got ready and we went to the hospital with her to accompany her.
Pero resulta que allí demoraron mucho para atendernos porque estaba bastante lleno de pacientes, pero aún así lograron atendernos y nos enviaron a la farmacia a comprar un macrogotero porque no tenían y como se necesitaba pues fuimos a comprarlo a una farmacia que está cerca del hospital, luego regresamos con este, y al ver que nada que nos atendian porque no había alguien especialista en vías y se debía esperar a que llegara y también como ya teniamos hambre porque se hizo la hora de almuerzo pues decidimos irnos a almorzar en la casa de la mamá de nuestra amiga Gelmary quien preparó algo rico y nos invitó y después de ahí decidimos ir a la clínica donde sabiamos que si nos iban a atender pues se iba a pagar por el servicio.
But it turns out that they took a long time to attend to us because it was quite full of patients, but they still managed to attend us and sent us to the pharmacy to buy a macro dropper because they did not have it and as it was needed, we went to buy it at a pharmacy that is near the hospital. Then we returned with this one, and when we saw that they did not attend to us because there was no specialist in roads and we had to wait for it to arrive and also since we were already hungry because it was lunch time so we decided to go to have lunch at the house of the Mom of our friend Gelmary who prepared something delicious and invited us and after that we decided to go to the clinic where we knew that if they were going to treat us, they would pay for the service.
El brote empezó como pequeñas picadas de zancudos y como les dije con los días le fue empeorando. Ahora les cuento que apenas llegamos a la clínica le pidieron unos datos a mi amiga, luego nos dejaron ingresar y nos hicieron entrar a un cuarto donde una enfermera le tomó la tensión y otros datos para que luego el médico especialista pasará a hacerle un chequeo y darle el diagnóstico final. Él mismo le hizo un par de preguntas sobre si había comido algo que ella creía que le pudo caer mal, que si estaba tomando algún medicamento o que si ya le habia pasado eso antes, pero mi amiga ni estaba tomando ningún otro medicamente y eso no le había pasado antes, así que por supuesto se cree que fue algún alimento que le pudo caer mal, aunque sinceramente no sabemos que pudo haber sido.
The outbreak started as small mosquito bites and, as I told you, it got worse over the days. Now I tell you that as soon as we got to the clinic they asked my friend for some information, then they let us in and made us enter a room where a nurse took her blood pressure and other data so that later the specialist doctor will come to do a check-up and give you the final diagnosis. He himself asked her a couple of questions about whether she had eaten something that she thought might be bad for her, whether she was taking any medication or whether that had happened to her before, but my friend was not taking any other medication and that was not. It had happened to him before, so of course it is believed that it was some food that could have been bad for him, although we honestly do not know what it could have been.
Básicamente le diagnosticaron urticaria, y le inyectaron un antialergico y un antiinflamatorio, además la hidrataron lo cual demoró un poco más de una hora, así que mientras decidimos descansar un rato y luego nos pusimos a ver videos en los celulares mientras terminaba de pasar el suero y para despejar un poco la mente. Después de terminar eso, el médico le envío tratamiento para la casa pero en pastillas, y le indicó que si persiste el brote luego de 2 días o que sí empeoraba lo llamara para atenderla. Luego pasamos por caja para cancelar y les cuento que salió algo costosa la cuenta, es decir 109 dolares (menos mal mi amiga tenía como pagarlos) no imaginó la gente que no tiene como pagar esa cantidad de dinero o la cuenta de la gente que demora más días en una clínica. Claró está que la inversión de salud no es gasto, pero mucha gente no tiene para acceder a este tipo de atención médica y deben aguantar en un hospital hasta ser atendido.
Basically they diagnosed her with hives, and they injected her with an anti-allergy and an anti-inflammatory, they also hydrated her which took a little more than an hour, so while we decided to rest for a while and then we started to watch videos on cell phones while she finished passing the serum. and to clear the mind a bit. After finishing that, the doctor sent her treatment for the house but in pills, and told her that if the outbreak persists after 2 days or if it worsened, she should call him to attend to her. Then we went to the cashier to cancel and I tell them that the account was something expensive, that is, 109 dollars (thank goodness my friend had how to pay them) I did not imagine the people who do not have how to pay that amount of money or the account of the people who delay more days in a clinic. It is clear that the investment in health is not an expense, but many people do not have access to this type of medical care and must endure in a hospital until they are treated.
Luego de cancelar, nos fuimos a una farmarcia a comprar los medicamentos que le recetó el doctor a mi amiga y menos mal conseguimos todo para que ella siga el tratamiento al pie de la letra y pronto pueda estar mejor, además después de la farmacia fuimos al supermercado a comprar algo para la cena, por supuesto mi amiga se sentía cansada y ella se quedó en el carro, así que mi hermana y yo nos bajamos en los 2 lugares a comprar. Como siempre digo los amigos están en las buenas, en las malas y en todas, nosotras nunca nos separamos de mi amiga en esos momentos, y seguramente se hubiese sentido muy sola si hubiese ido sin acompañante (al menos yo me sentiría así), y un amigo debe estar en todas. Como consejo les digo: cuiden su salud, con todo lo que ha pasado mi hermana y ahora al ver a mi amiga así, en lo único que pienso es que es debemos agradecer por tener salud pero también debemos cuidarnos nosotros mismos cuidando lo que comemos, yo sé que pronto mi amiga va a mejorar y mi hermana también y vamos a poder seguir disfrutando la vida si Dios nos lo permite.
After canceling, we went to a pharmacy to buy the medications that the doctor prescribed for my friend and thank goodness we got everything so that she follows the treatment to the letter and soon she can be better, also after the pharmacy we went to the supermarket to buy something for dinner, of course my friend felt tired and she stayed in the car, so my sister and I got off at the 2 places to buy. As I always say, friends are in good times, in bad times and in all, we never part with my friend in those moments, and surely she would have felt very lonely if she had gone unaccompanied (at least I would feel that way), and a friend should be in all of them. As advice I tell you: take care of your health, with everything my sister has gone through and now when I see my friend like this, the only thing I think is that we must be thankful for being healthy but we must also take care of ourselves by taking care of what we eat, I know that soon my friend will get better and my sister will improve and we will be able to continue enjoying life if God allows us.
That's so nice of you