Un día en el río | A day at the river [ENG/ESP]

in GEMS6 months ago

Saludo queridos Hivers

La verdad cuando era pequeña no me gustaba para nada los ríos, me daban miedo porque siempre pensaba que me iba a salir algún animal raro o por una simple superstición. Hubo un día que me invitaron ir al río gracias a querer distraerme un rato acepte ir, sin pensar que sería uno de los mejores días de mi vida.
The truth is that when I was little I didn't like rivers at all, I was afraid of them because I always thought that some strange animal was going to come out of them or because of a simple superstition. One day I was invited to go to the river because I wanted to distract myself for a while, I agreed to go, without thinking that it would be one of the best days of my life.

El viaje duro 30 minutos, cuando llegamos, estuvimos un rato en grupo, hasta que después nos quisieron mostrar un poco de esa zona, era bastante amplía. Podíamos ir nadando, pero como era la primera vez que veíamos todo, preferimos ir caminando, al llegar al lugar, estaba una cascada con bastante corriente, súper linda pero se veía un poco honda.
The trip lasted 30 minutes, when we arrived, we were in a group for a while, until they wanted to show us a little of that area, it was quite large. We could go swimming, but as it was the first time we saw everything, we preferred to go walking, when we got to the place, there was a waterfall with a lot of current, super nice but it looked a little deep.

Al final volvimos a el lugar que estábamos, nos quedamos un rato almorzando y hablando, luego de un rato nos fuimos nadando a otra parte del río, la verdad yo no sabía nadar y allí tuve que aprender, porque todo estaba demasiado hondo, algo que por parte me daba miedo, sentía que me iba a salir una serpiente bajo del agua JAJAJAJA.
After a while we went swimming to another part of the river, the truth is that I didn't know how to swim and there I had to learn, because everything was too deep, something that scared me, I felt like a snake was going to come out of the water HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Pase un buen día, aprendí a nadar, disfrute del río, conocí nuevas personas, y compartí bastante. Cuando ya se estaba haciendo de noche, nos fuimos a la avenida, esperando que pasara el transporte. Me encantaron los paisajes, me hizo sentirme viva estar allí y poder apreciar de la naturaleza.
I had a good day, learned to swim, enjoyed the river, met new people, and shared a lot. When it was getting dark, we went to the avenue, waiting for the transport to pass. I loved the scenery, it made me feel alive to be there and to be able to appreciate nature.

Muchas gracias por leer este post. Que tengas un muy feliz año nuevo y la pases increíble con tus seres queridos.
Thank you very much for reading this post. Have a very happy new year and have an amazing time with your loved ones.

Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad. Tomadas con un Infinix Hot Lite 10./All photos are my property. Taken with an Infinix Hot Lite 10.