Saludos comunidad Hive

Estos días he estado saliendo un poco más de lo común, aprovechando el poco tiempo de vacaciones que me queda. Amo pasar tiempo con mis amigos, y aún más cuando tengo tiempo sin verlos, está vez decidimos ir al centro comercial a hablar un rato y comer helado.
These days I have been going out a little more than usual, taking advantage of the little vacation time I have left. I love spending time with my friends, and even more when I have time without seeing them, this time we decided to go to the mall to talk for a while and eat ice cream.

Antes de ir al centro comercial, estuve acompañando a mi mejor amiga a hacer unas diligencias, pasamos casi toda la tarde así. Al terminal todo, fuimos a su casa, para refrescarnos un rato antes de volver a salir, me encanto estar allá descansando, sobre todo porque ella tiene un piano, y aunque no se tocar, siempre esta la curiosidad de ver que melodía puede sonar bien en el piano.
Before going to the mall, I was accompanying my best friend to run some errands, we spent most of the afternoon like that. At the end of the day, we went to her house, to freshen up for a while before going out again, I loved being there resting, especially because she has a piano, and although I do not play, there is always the curiosity to see what melody can sound good on the piano.

Luego de un rato, fuimos al centro comercial, ya estaba anocheciendo, cuando llegamos estuvimos un rato caminando, viendo la ropa y carteras de nuestra tienda favorita, comimos helado, estaban muy deliciosos. La mejor parte de la salida, fue cuando nos encontramos con un amigo, muy inesperado que sucediera, pero nos alegramos bastante porque teníamos meses sin verlo.
After a while, we went to the mall, it was already getting dark, when we arrived we spent some time walking around, looking at the clothes and handbags of our favorite store, we ate ice cream, they were very delicious. The best part of the outing, was when we met a friend, very unexpected that it happened, but we were very happy because we had not seen him for months.

Estuvimos paseando un rato, mientras hablábamos, hasta que nos cansamos y decidimos sentarnos un rato, la pasamos genial entre contar chistes y anécdotas. Disfruto mucho de los momentos así, porque no siempre suceden, ya después de unas horas, era tarde, y nos despedimos.
We were walking for a while, while talking, until we got tired and decided to sit down for a while, we had a great time telling jokes and anecdotes. I really enjoy moments like that, because they don't always happen, and after a few hours, it was late, and we said goodbye.

Espero este post haya sido de tu agrado, muchas gracias por leerlo. Que tengas un lindo día.
I hope this post has been to your liking, thank you very much for reading it. Have a nice day.