A day on the beach [ENG|ESP]

in GEMS2 years ago

Saludos comunidad Hive

Uno de mis lugares favoritos para pasar el tiempo es definitivamente la playa, cuando estás allí sientes paz y tranquilidad. La playa es el lugar perfecto para olvidarse de todos los problemas de la vida diaria y disfrutar de la hermosa naturaleza que Dios y el Universo nos regalaron.
One of my favorite places to spend time is definitely the beach, when you are there you feel peace and quiet. The beach is the perfect place to forget about all the problems of daily life and enjoy the beautiful nature that God and the Universe gave us.

En esta ocasión pude compartir ese precioso tiempo en la playa con mi mejor amiga, nos vemos muy poco, llevamos hasta 5 meses sin vernos, y compartir estos pequeños momentos con ella me hace muy feliz.
On this occasion I was able to share that precious time on the beach with my best friend, we see each other very little, we haven't seen each other for up to 5 months, and sharing these little moments with her makes me very happy.

Inicialmente, hace como dos días, me decía que tenía una sorpresa, que me avisaría cuando confirmaran que era posible, luego en la noche me dijo que si quería ir a la playa con ella, mi mamá me dio permiso y ella estaba muy feliz.
Initially, about two days ago, she told me that she had a surprise, that she would let me know when they confirmed that it was possible, then at night she told me that if I wanted to go to the beach with her, after my Mom gave me permission, she told her yes and he was very happy.

Fue muy lindo estar ahí con ella, hablamos, jugamos, había un montón de olas que nos arrastraron varias veces JAJAJAJA. Lo mejor es que no me quemé con el sol, era lo que más me preocupaba, hacía tiempo que no salía al sol para tratar de cuidar mi piel.
It was very nice to be there with her, we talked, we played, there were a lot of waves that dragged us several times HAHAHAHA. The best thing is that she doesn't burn me with the sun, that was what worried me the most, I hadn't been out in the sun for a long time to try to take care of my skin.

Espero que este post haya sido de su agrado, muchas gracias por leerlo. ¡Que tenga un lindo día!
I hope this post has been to your liking, thank you very much for reading it. Have a nice day!

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por un Infinix Hot 10 Line. || All photos were taken by an Infinix Hot 10 Line.