El autismo y mi experiencia como madre primeriza. || Autism and my experience as a new mother.

in GEMS4 years ago

Hola comunidad, espero todos se encuentren muy bien. Hoy quiero hablarles sobre mi hijo Fernando, en el anterior post les hable sobre el embarazo y hoy le quiero contar sobre lo que ha sido su vida, pero antes debo contarles una anécdota.

Cuando estudie mi bachillerato lo estudie en un colegio privado, en ese tiempo acá en Venezuela algunos colegios debían realizar donaciones a instituciones públicas y al colegio donde yo estudiaba normalmente le tocaba donar 2 veces al año en cualquiera de los ancianatos del estado y en algunas ocasiones le tocaba en la Escuela Especial (escuela publica donde estudian niños con condiciones especiales). Las donaciones constaban de alimentos, vestimenta, medicamentos, juguetes o festejos como distracciones. En una oportunidad me toco realizar un festejo junto a otras compañeras del colegio y el lugar que nos dieron fue la Escuela Especial, yo a pesar de ser totalmente ignorante en cuanto a condiciones especiales estaba muy emocionada, pues seria una nueva experiencia. El día del festejo nos dieron un aula de clases, las maestras nos indicaron que tenían niños con síndrome de Down, autismo, discapacidad intelectual y perdida de audición en la misma aula, comenzamos la actividad y todo iba muy bien hasta que vi a un niño parado en una esquina del salón, aleteaba sus manos sin parar, hacia sonidos extraños y se veía incomodo, decidí acercarme y hablarle un poco para incluirlo en la actividad, toque suavemente su brazo para llamar su atención nuevamente pero él se altero mucho y se lanzo encima de mi para agredirme, gracias a Dios una maestra estaba cerca y aunque se le hizo difícil logro controlarlo abrazándolo (de una manera profesional para calmarlo), yo quede impactada y muy asustada, en pocas palabras estaba en shock, una de las maestras se me acerco y mientras me revisaba me pregunto si estaba bien, a lo que yo respondí "si, estoy bien, un poco asustada, despeinada y muy sorprendida de la fuerza que tiene ese niño, realmente no esperaba que me atacara". la maestra se sonrió y me dijo "es un niño con autismo agudo, son reacciones normales en ellos". Al salir de la actividad lo que había sido un susto se convirtió en un chiste, pero yo seguí asustada y entre mi ignorancia y lo sucedido dije "jamas volveré a tener contacto con un niño con autismo, que miedo, son muy agresivos".

Hello community, I hope everyone is very well. Today I want to tell you about my son Fernando, in the previous post I told you about pregnancy but today I want to tell you about his life, but first I must tell you an anecdote.

When I studied my baccalaureate I studied it in a private school, at that time here in Venezuela some schools had to make donations to public institutions and the school where I studied normally had to donate 2 times a year in any of the state nursing homes and on some occasions It was his turn at the Escuela Especial (a public school where children with special conditions study). Donations consisted of food, clothing, medicine, toys or festivities as distractions. On one occasion I had a celebration with other schoolmates and the place they gave us was the Special School, despite being totally ignorant about special conditions I was very excited, it would be a new experience. On the day of the celebration they gave us a classroom, the teachers told us that they had children with Down syndrome, autism, intellectual disability and hearing loss in the same classroom, we started the activity and everything was going very well until I saw a child standing in a corner of the room, flapping his hands non-stop, making strange sounds and looking uncomfortable, I decided to go over and talk to him a little to include him in the activity, gently touch his arm to get his attention again but he got very upset and threw himself above me to attack me, thank God a teacher was nearby and although it was difficult for her to control him by hugging him (in a professional way to calm him down), I was shocked and very scared, in a few words I was in shock, one of the teachers was I approached and while he was checking me he asked me if I was okay, to which I replied "yes, I'm fine, a little scared, disheveled and very surprised at the strength that that child has, I really didn't expect him to tie me up. face". the teacher smiled and said "he is a child with acute autism, they are normal reactions for them." When I left the activity, what had been a scare turned into a joke, but I was still scared and between my ignorance and what happened I said "I will never have contact with a child with autism again, how scary, they are very aggressive."


3 años después de ese suceso quede embarazada, estaba en la universidad y ya el tema de lo sucedido no venia al caso. Lo que no sabia era que la vida se encargaría de hacerme tragar mis palabras y de demostrarme que lo sucedido en cierta parte seria un despacito de mi vida en un futuro. Como comente en mi post anterior tener a Fernando no fue nada fácil, pero lo logre, Fernando desde que nació fue un niño poco afectivo, no toleraba muchos sonidos, cualquier sonido lo distraía, no le gustaba la música y era muy selectivo con las personas, era como si estaba en un mundo totalmente diferente al mio, mientras fue creciendo todo eso se fue agudizando y como eso note otras cosas, como que aleteaba sus manos, no hacia contacto visual con nadie, su lenguaje no estaba acorde a su edad y su forma de pensar tampoco, se golpeaba con las paredes al molestarse, no toleraba a niños de su edad o menores que él, todas esas señales me llevaron a pensar que algo extraño pasaba con mi hijo. Fué así como decidí llevarlo a un psicólogo, la psicólogo que lo vio me explico que Fernando presentaba algunos síntomas del síndrome de asperger (autismo leve), me hizo ver que lo que creía que era normal en su forma de jugar, no lo era, Fernando apilaba y alineaba sus juguetes e incluso podía armaba torres con juguetes de formas distintas, me indico que el niño era poco tolerable a luces y sonidos fuertes, que tenia déficit de atención, hiperactividad y agresividad, también agrego que a sus 4 años tenia el lenguaje de un niño de 2 años y su forma de pensar era de un niño de 6 o 7 años. Quede en shock, no podía creerlo y lo primero que recordé fue esa anécdota que tuve hace años con un niño que tenia autismo, me llene de mucho miedo, no sabia como afrontar la situación, me preocupaba mucho la agresividad de Fernando y como haría para controlarlo cuando estuviese un poco mas grande.

Luego de ese diagnostico le realizaron exámenes neurológicos y gracias a Dios todo estaba en orden a nivel cerebral, pero yo seguía aterrorizada, era el primer caso de una condición especial en mi familia y aun nadie sabia, yo era una persona con poca paciencia y pensaba que no podría con la situación y solo pensaba "esto no me puede estar pasando a mi". Me decidí a comentarle a mis padres y a la persona que cuidaba de Fernando mientras yo trabajaba, los 3 quedaron atónitos y se negaron rotundamente al diagnostico, para mi fue muy difícil debido a que no estaba con el padre de Fernando y estaba segura de que el reaccionaria de igual forma, al contarle sucedió exactamente lo que pensé, me sentía sola, decidí comentarle a mi esposo (en ese momento recién nos estábamos conociendo) y fue el mayor apoyo que tuve y he tenido desde ese momento, mi esposo me ayudo a buscar información y logro calmarme en esa situación tan difícil para mi.

3 years after that event, I got pregnant, I was in college and the issue of what happened was no longer relevant. What I did not know was that life would take care of making me swallow my words and show me that what happened in a certain part would be a little bit of my life in the future. As I mentioned in my previous post, having Fernando was not easy at all, but I did it, Fernando since he was born was a little affective child, he did not tolerate many sounds, any sound was distracting him, he did not like music and he was very selective with people , It was as if he was in a totally different world from mine, as he grew up all that became more acute and as that I noticed other things, like that he flapped his hands, he did not make eye contact with anyone, his language was not according to his age and His way of thinking either, he hit the walls when he was upset, he did not tolerate children his age or younger than him, all those signs led me to think that something strange was happening with my son. That was how I decided to take him to a psychologist, the psychologist who saw him explained to me that Fernando had some symptoms of Asperger's syndrome (mild autism), he made me see that what he thought was normal in his way of playing, was not, Fernando stacked and aligned his toys and could even build towers with toys in different ways, he indicated that the child was not very tolerable to loud lights and sounds, that he had attention deficit, hyperactivity and aggressiveness, he also added that at 4 years old he had the The language of a 2-year-old and his thinking was that of a 6 or 7-year-old. I was in shock, I could not believe it and the first thing I remembered was that anecdote that I had years ago with a child who had autism, it filled me with great fear, I did not know how to face the situation, I was very worried about Fernando's aggressiveness and how I would do to control it when it was a little older.

After that diagnosis, they carried out neurological tests and thank God everything was in order at the brain level, but I was still terrified, it was the first case of a special condition in my family and still no one knew, I was a person with little patience and I thought I couldn't handle the situation and I just thought "this can't be happening to me." I decided to tell my parents and the person who took care of Fernando while I worked, the 3 were stunned and flatly refused the diagnosis, for me it was very difficult because I was not with Fernando's father and I was sure that he I would react in the same way, when I told him exactly what I thought happened, I felt alone, I decided to tell my husband (at that time we were just getting to know each other) and it was the greatest support I had and have had since that moment, my husband helped me to look for information and manage to calm myself in that difficult situation for me.

Trate de dejar a tras el tema por un tiempo, pero mi esposo y el día a día me recordaban que Fernando ya tenia mas de 4 años y necesitaba ayuda, esa ayuda debía dársela yo, seguí instruyéndome sobre el autismo en especial sobre el asperger, cambie al niño de preescolar porque no sabían como tratarlo, gracias a Dios encontré uno muy bueno, luego logre ubicar una psicóloga diferente y antes de ir a esa consulta realice una lista extensa de puntos concretos que me preocupaban del niño, entre ellos: Dificultad para hablar de forma fluida y para pronunciar muchas letras, dificultad para concentrarse, el niño era muy selectivo con las personas y si no las toleraba las ignoraba por completo, no toleraba a niños de su edad, tenia una fuerte adicción por el Internet y equipos electrónicos, desde que tenia 1 año y 8 meses era muy bueno manejando el Internet y una tablet sin haberle enseñado como utilizarla, era agresivo con él y con otras personas incluyéndome a mi como su madre, le gustaba estar en la oscuridad se desesperaba y se tapaba los oídos ante cualquier sonido fuerte, aleteaba sus manos y brazos, caminaba en puntillas, incluso de pequeño no entendía que me decía, pero luego me di cuenta que hablaba en portugués y en ingles gracias a los vídeos que veía en Internet. Cosas como esas y mas estaban en mi lista, la psicóloga me dijo que no veía gran problema en el niño, pero notaba que yo si estaba muy preocupada, así que decidió referirme a una colega especialista en autismo, logre conseguir una cita con esa especialista y ella confirmo el primer diagnostico, fue duro escuchar esa confirmación, pero esa especialista me hizo ver que ese seria el principio de un largo camino en el que aprendería muchísimas cosas para ayudar a mi hijo y una de las cosas que aprendí fue que con ayuda, amor y mucha disciplina mi hijo tendría mejoras, grandes y pequeñas pero serian mejoras y era lo mas importante. Con tantas pruebas, exámenes, especialistas y consultas medicas me entere de que mi hijo era alérgico al gluten, a la lactosa, a los aditivos y conservantes, desde que nació presento fuertes alergias en su piel, pero los médicos nunca dieron con ese diagnostico.

I tried to leave the subject behind for a while, but my husband and the day to day reminded me that Fernando was already more than 4 years old and needed help, that help I had to give him, I continued teaching myself about autism, especially about Asperger, I changed the preschool child because they did not know how to treat him, thank God I found a very good one, then I managed to locate a different psychologist and before going to that consultation I made an extensive list of specific points that worried me about the child, among them: Difficulty in speaking fluently and pronouncing many letters, difficulty concentrating, the child was very selective with people and if he did not tolerate them he ignored them completely, he did not tolerate children his age, he had a strong addiction to the Internet and electronic equipment , Since he was 1 year and 8 months old, he was very good at handling the Internet and a tablet without having taught him how to use it, he was aggressive with him and with other people including me as his mother, he liked this In the dark he would despair and cover his ears at any loud sound, flap his hands and arms, walk on tiptoe, even as a child I did not understand what he was saying, but then I realized that he spoke in Portuguese and English thanks to the videos I watched on the internet. Things like that and more were on my list, the psychologist told me that she did not see a big problem in the child, but she noticed that I was very worried, so she decided to refer me to a colleague who specializes in autism, I managed to get an appointment with that specialist and she confirmed the first diagnosis, it was hard to hear that confirmation, but that specialist made me see that this would be the beginning of a long journey in which I would learn many things to help my son and one of the things I learned was that with help , love and a lot of discipline my son would have improvements, big and small but they would be improvements and it was the most important thing. With so many tests, exams, specialists and medical consultations I found out that my son was allergic to gluten, lactose, additives and preservatives, since he was born he has had strong allergies on his skin, but the doctors never came up with that diagnosis.


Actualmente mi hijo tiene 8 años y sigue siendo alérgico a la **lactosa, al gluten, a los conservantes y aditivos **(es una dieta que se debe cumplir estrictamente y a pesar de la situación país la cumplimos con mucho esfuerzo y sacrificio debido a que aquí en Venezuela los alimentos libres de gluten son muy escasos), aun presenta dificultad en el habla (dislalia) pero a mejorado mucho con las terapias, desde hace mucho tiempo dejo de ser agresivo (aunque puede llegar a serlo si lo molestan demasiado) y aunque ahora tolera a los niños de su edad prefiere jugar con niños mayores que él, es muy inteligente incluso esta mas adelantado que la mitad de los niños de su clase, a logrado tener mayor concentración aunque todavía se le hace difícil (a veces puede desconsentrarse con el sonido de un pájaro que este a dos cuadras de él).

Fernando es muy bueno armando vehículos, pistolas y aviones con cartón (espero poderles publicar pronto fotos de sus creaciones), le encantan los organismos de seguridad y desea ser policía cuando sea grande o en su defecto fabricante de armamentos. Hoy le doy gracias a Dios por permitirme tener a un niño con autismo en mi vida, ha sido una enorme bendición, no cambiaría esta hermosa experiencia por nada del mundo y si tuviese la oportunidad de elegir a mi hijo, lo elegiría una y mil veces nuevamente, Fernando es el niño mas amoroso, sobre protector, detallista y tranquilo que he conocido. Amo y amare siempre ser la madre de un niño con autismo. Gracias a todos por leer mi hermosa experiencia, espero les sea de su agrado y si algún padre esta pasando por lo que yo pase al principio de mi experiencia como madre le aconsejo que busquen ayuda, es el mejor regalo que le podrán dar a sus hijos y aunque no lo crean es el mejor regalo que como padres se podrán dar.

My son is currently 8 years old and he is still allergic to lactose, gluten, preservatives and additives (it is a diet that must be strictly followed and despite the country situation we comply with it with a lot of effort and sacrifice because here in Venezuela gluten-free foods are very scarce), he still has difficulty in speaking (dyslalia) but has improved a lot with therapies, for a long time he stopped being aggressive (although he can become so if they bother him too much) and although now he tolerates Children his age prefer to play with older children, he is very intelligent, he is even more advanced than half of the children in his class, he has managed to have greater concentration although it is still difficult for him (sometimes he can be discontented with the sound of a bird that is two blocks from him).

Fernando is very good at assembling cardboard vehicles, guns and airplanes (I hope to publish photos of his creations for you soon), he loves security agencies and wants to be a policeman when he grows up or, failing that, an armaments manufacturer. Today I thank God for allowing me to have a child with autism in my life, it has been a huge blessing, I would not exchange this beautiful experience for anything in the world and if I had the opportunity to choose my son, I would choose him a thousand times Again, Fernando is the most loving, overprotective, thoughtful and calm boy I have ever met. I love and will always love being the mother of a child with autism. Thank you all for reading my beautiful experience, I hope you like it and if a father is going through what I went through at the beginning of my experience as a mother, I advise you to seek help, it is the best gift you can give your children And even if you may not believe it, it is the best gift that parents can give each other.



Wow a life experience. But your child is healthy, keep the diet. People with aspergers are very smart, he has you to continue to guide and educate him.
Success on the platform, explore all the communities on hive, you will surely find many where you can express yourself.

Thank you for your comment .. if every day your intelligence surprises me .. soon I will publish reviews about your diet.

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