El arte del pescador,no solo esta en pescar! The art of the fisherman is not only in fishing!

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Aquí les muestro como se compone un pescado de gran tamaño, esto lo realizo mi amigo "carache" a un pescado llamado jurel que me hizo de regalo!

Here I show you how a large fish is composed, this was done by my friend "carache" to a fish called horse mackerel that he gave me as a gift!

Lo primero que hizo fue quitarle las escamas que tiene en su piel. Luego por la cabeza le hace una abertura hasta la cola extrayendole las tripas y agayas.

The first thing he did was remove the scales from his skin. Then through the head he makes an opening to the tail, extracting the guts and agayas.

Luego de separar las dos partes el pico rueditas pequeñas no tan gruesas que sirvan para freir y hacer sopa.. le agradezco mucho a mi amigo por que me regalo este gran pescado y aparte me lo arreglo, para llegar solo a lavara y guardar en la nevera..

After separating the two parts the beak small wheels not so thick that serve to fry and make soup .. I thank my friend very much for giving me this great fish and apart I fix it, to arrive only to wash and store in the fridge..

Todas estas imágenes fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular ZTE maven2

All these pictures were taken with my ZTE maven2 cell phone.


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Enjoy ur fish.

thank you friend @aniglobal of course yes, I also shared with my family and some friends it was very big and I do not like that I spend a lot of time frozen thanks for