Corona Virus Turns off the Economy of Citizens [Peunayong Traditional Market, Aceh-Indonesia]

in GEMS5 years ago


The latest condition that occurred in the province of Aceh, Indonesia, after the outbreak of the Corona Virus, is the slowing down of community economic growth.

A number of traders in one of traditional market centers Penanyong's, are now experiencing a turnover due to the Corona issue. The busiest market in the city of Banda Aceh looks turn off by the economic citizen.

The corona virus began to spread in Indonesia in early March in the capital city of Jakarta, but it only took a few weeks, the number of victims began to enter thousands of figures.


Until now the Indonesian government has imposed a Large-Scale Social Regulation [PSBB]. There are no activities in the center of the crowd, only allowed to shop for basic necessities. The community must stay safe at home.

Aceh Province has recorded treating 5 positive corona patients, 1 person was declared dead, 4 people were cured and were allowed to go home.


One week of pause, now the Corona case has been found again in Aceh, and there are in positive 2 cases, now still being treated by the health authorities.

This Corona issue has made people afraid to move outside the home does daily activities. Of course it has an impact on the economy of the middle class and lower classes.

One trader in the Penayong market, Zulfikar told to Citizen Journalists, said: "At the moment the market conditions are quiet, the people's economy is very slow down,

Not as usual even though this is the fasting month and is as busy as last year" He told.


The impact of the Corona virus began to be felt by a number of people in Aceh, especially traders in traditional markets. The government enforces social distancing, the community is guarded as tightly as possible, with the aim of breaking the covid-19 chain that continues to plague.

Until now the prices of staples in Aceh province are relatively stable, only a few basic needs have experienced price increases, such as sugar, cooking oil and eggs. Traffic restrictions on the Sumatra are the cause.

The supply of Foods is reduced and as a result a number of goods experience price increases. Here are some Photography of the current condition of the Penayong market, Banda Aceh City, Aceh province, Indonesia, which seems to be devoid of economic activity.







Manually curated by brumest from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for coming and rating, have nice day :)

Sepi kali pasar Peunayong @dilimunanzar?

That teuga jitegon lagoe, peujuet watee ku post ilong angen jiteubit. Teuga that sogok whale awakkah ngon @my451r kukalon hi

Atra nah, watee gop ka tingeut baro peu ek post.. jaga watee lah bacut... ha ha...meeuseu paih watee.. ngop ngop neukiraju itigon.. hanlot keupiah

Kapalo, wah ba balum sang, Hai video models jeut tapeu'ek bak Threespeak njan? pu aturan jih njan?

Neposting ladju tungoh na geubri raseuki njoe..

Get ka lon posting njoe, neubantu pruh angen bachuet ..

Siap2... adak angen pieh loen pruih... he he ..pokok jieh pruih..