Homemade Confectioner’s Custard

in GEMS4 years ago

Confectioner’s custard is used in numerous worldwide pastry recipes. It’s the traditional filling for choux pastries such as eclairs, cream puff, custard pies, Napoleons, currant buns, fresh fruit pies, ornamental fresh fruit cakes for weddings, baptisms or communions.


Confectioner’s custard is the topic of the day because we celebrate my uncle’s birthday tomorrow and as I’m the official family’s confectioner, I got hired once more to make the cake. My uncle’s favorite cake is Napoleon. He particularly enjoys alcohol flavored Napoleon and that’s not suitable for young children.


That’s why I’ve decided to please everyone, children, adults and the king of the day and the best way, but not the easiest is to make an assortment of several small cakes.

The easiest way is to cook a confectioner’s custard. This all in one custard will allow me to fill all of my small cakes assortment. How do I do?

I divide it into 4 bowls.I flavor part of my confectioner’s custard with alcohol to make my small Napoleons and I flavor 3 other bowls with chocolate, coffee and vanilla.


I’ll wait for the confectioner’s custard bowl cool down, I’ll make a choux pastry and will bake some long shaped eclairs and some round shaped puffs.

This way, I’ll please everyone!

Milk, eggs, sugar and flour, that’s all you need to cook a confectioner’s custard.

You don’t need to buy any mix to cook a successful confectioner’s custard easily!

The confectioner’s custard recipe I share with you today will allow you to save money and will avoid you to swallow any additive, that’s why this homemade confectioner’s custard is healthy compared to the over sugared that food industry sells.

Homemade confectioner's custard is ready within 30 minutes.

Ingredients for a 4 servings fruits pie


50 cl Milk
150 gr Caster sugar
2 Eggs
50 gr flour


Pour milk into a pan, add half of the caster sugar, stir and bring to a boil.



Break eggs and put into a bowl with remaining sugar plus flour.

Before milk boils, pour 2 ladles warm milk into the mixture and beat.


Reduce heat to minimum as soon as milk is boiling and pour the mixture into the hot milk pan.


Keep on stirring with a whisk for about 5 minutes over minimum
My trick: Once cooked, I transfer confectioner’s custard into a bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap to keep it smooth.


Once cooled down, eat it the way you wish, whether with some fruits or in pies, fruit cakes, puffs etc.



Enak tuh👍👍