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Hablemos con el corazón hablar con el corazón, no es una tarea muy fácil ya que mucho no llegamos a este estado de sincronización entre el corazón, los sentimientos y las palabras por que a veces pensamos en cosas tan bonitas y a la hora del té como decimos por aquí terminamos diciendo otras cosas diferentes, pienso que hablar desde el corazón no es hablar suave o con ternura es hablar cosas que piensas o sientes con amor, sin juzgar y sin ofender, muchas personas hablan pero no te envuelven las palabras no las sientes a mi personalmente me resulta decirles a las personas que la quiero cuando no me sale del corazón. Hablar con el corazón a veces resulta muy difícil para ello se necesita tiempo y hacerlo paso a paso y con mucha constancia.Revisando las publicaciones me topé con esta iniciativa tan hermoso traída por nuestra amiga @carmenvmc cuando leí su publicación me pareció un tema positivo y maravilloso
Let's talk with the heart talk with the heart, it is not a very easy task since we do not reach this state of synchronization between the heart, I think that speaking from the heart is not to speak softly or tenderly, it is to speak things that you think or feel with love, without judging and without offending, many people speak but they do not wrap the words around you, you do not feel them, I personally find it difficult to tell people that I love them when it does not come from my heart. Talking from the heart is sometimes very difficult because it is about having constancy in many things and it is achieved little by little with a lot of constancy.Reviewing and reading the publications I came across this beautiful initiative brought by our friend @carmenvmc when I read her publication I found it a positive and wonderful topic
¿Cuál fue tu mayor logro? // What was your greatest achievement?
En mi vida recorrida qué son muchos años (Risas) he tenido muchos logros en muchos niveles de la vida, pero pienso que uno de mi mayor logro ha sido aprender a canalizar mi paz interior, si decidí vivir con tranquilidad, sin tener sin miedo, aceptando la vida tal como viene, con colores de alegría y colores de tristeza que por muy duras que sea tenemos que seguir adelante, con este lado oscuro que la vida nos presenta, es por eso que disfruto de mi paz interior calma mis anhelos, mis angustias y esto me llena de tranquilidad absoluta y esto me relaja.
In my life, which is many years (laughs) I have had many achievements in many levels of life, but I think that one of my greatest achievements has been learning to channel my inner peace, if I decided to live with tranquility, without fear, accepting life as it comes, with colors of joy and colors of sadness that no matter how hard it is we have to move forward, with this dark side that life presents us, that is why I enjoy my inner peace calms my longings, my anxieties and this fills me with absolute tranquility and this relaxes me.
¿Cuál persona es tu amuleto de la suerte?// Which person is your lucky charm?
Mi hijo mas que mi amuleto es mi ángel aunque no está fisicamente el siempre me acompaña para todos lados, me da esa fuerza y me llena de energia positiva cada vez que pienso en el, cuando recuerdo su sonrisa y mi vida a su lado me lleno de fortaleza, de fe y de mucha esperanzas y eso me anima a seguir adelante. Me lleno de mucho amor cuando pienso en él.
My son more than my amulet is my angel although he is not physically present he always accompanies me everywhere, he gives me that strength and fills me with positive energy every time I think of him, when I remember his smile and my life by his side he fills me with strength, faith and much hope and that encourages me to move forward. I am filled with so much love when I think of him.
¿Háblanos un poco de esa persona favorita?// Tell us a little about your favorite person?
En mi vida tengo muchas personas personas favoritas entre ellas mis padres, mi esposo, mis hermanos, sobrinos, mi nieto y uno en especial es mi hijo Anibal José, mi hijo está ausente fisicamente pero siempre es y será mi persona favorita por el amor tan grande que le tengo, el era un joven saludable, amoroso y muy bromista, un chico que disfrutaba de todo en la vida hasta de lo mas pequeños detalles, amigo de los amigos, amante de su familia, un hijo maravilloso, era muy apasionado por las computadoras, la tecnología, la música, el mar y al fútbol, amante del equipo real Madrid y por el jugador Ronaldo Luís Nazario de Lima. Este es mi persona favorita.
Tell us a little about your favorite person?
In my life I have many favorite people among them my parents, my husband, my brothers, my nephews, my grandson and one in particular is my son Anibal Jose, my son is physically absent but he is and will always be my favorite person because of the great love I have for him, he was a healthy, loving and very joking young man, a boy who enjoyed everything in life even the smallest details, a friend of his friends, a lover of his family, a wonderful son, he was very passionate about computers, technology, music, the sea and soccer, a lover of the Real Madrid team and the player Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima. This is my favorite person.
¿Háblanos de tus defectos y que has hecho para mejorarlo?// Tell us about your flaws and what have you done to improve them?
It is a question that is always difficult for me to answer because I don't see my defects, sometimes I wait for someone else to tell me but well here I tell you two of them in which I am working step by step, one of my defects is that I am very perfectionist, I demand too much, I see my mistakes and try to correct them, but when I realized that I was like that I tried to correct myself because this caused me a lot of stress, anguish, but now I try to do things calmly and in a relaxed way.
Another of my defects is that I am very impatient I don't like to wait my turn and I always want to get things fast and if I don't get what I need I get too impatient, but I have discovered that if I dedicate time and work in advance the things I am doing I can become a competitive person. That way I am improving my shortcomings.
¿Amas realmente a tu familia?// Do you really love your family?
Como todos sabemos que no hay familia perfecta, pero yo diría que si volviera a nacer escogería a mí misma familia con sus defectos y virtudes, mi famiia es mi pilar en la vida ella me apoya en los momentos triste y alegre, mi familia es unica casi nunca peleamos siempre estamos juntos debe ser que somo una familia corta y por ello somos muy unidos, como no amar a mi familia si ellos siempre están con los brazos abiertos para consolarnos y darnos los mejores consejos. Amo a mi familia.
As we all know that there is no perfect family, but I would say that if I were born again I would choose the same family with its flaws and virtues, my family is my pillar in life, they support me in sad and happy moments, my family is unique, we almost never fight, we are always together, it must be that we are a short family and therefore we are very close, how not to love my family if they are always with open arms to comfort us and give us the best advice. I love my family.
Me agradó participar en esta iniciativa llena de amor y de buena energia. Gracias por leer mi publicación.
I was pleased to participate in this initiative full of love and good energy. Thank you for reading my publication.
Fotos de mi propiedad tomada del celular marca Redmi 9
Photos of my property taken from my Redmi 9 cell pone
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