in GEMS4 years ago

Today I've decided to make a post for my all time favourite series Friends and tell you why I've watched it like a million times and I'm gonna watch it again and again.

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Everything started many years ago, when I was 12 and the show was on TV. Back then I wasn't thrilled about it at all because I couldn't understand the plot, or the jokes or this weird laughing in every scene. However when I went to college I decided to watch it all over again from the beggining because the episodes were only 20 minutes and because my best friend convinced me to.
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Since the I've seen friends over 50 times for sure, from the very first season till the last one and I can't find a reason to not like them. I think it's a very completed show with a very interesting plot and amazing characters. Its one of them is so different and however they managed to be friends and share with us a simple everyday life, with problems we all face in our plus twenties, with love stories we all have or would like to have and the most important is that they shared with us many many funny moments.

I think it has amazing humor that it's capable of making you forget your own problems. One of the reasons i still watch it with such pleasure is that when I'm not in a good mood, or after a breakup, or if something goes wrong in my life, it makes me forget everything and smile. I don't know why it has such an impact on me but it's amazing how can make my day and make me think positive again.

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I would also like to say many things about the characters of the show but I could analyze them forever. But I will mention only a few.

  • Rachel is an amazing independent woman who decided to take her life back and managed to do amazing things professionally remaining though a very gender and caring person and trully faithful to her frends and her love.
  • Monica portaits a weird person with all that cleaning and organising thing but she always was so reasonable that managed to take difficult descisions in her life for her own good, and she was always the voice of the logic for her friends.
  • Phoebe, my beloved Phoebe, another weirdo in the company, is the most unique personality. She chosed to live in her own world after the difficulties she's benn through but still is the happiest and most positive person with such strong love for her friends (and amazing music skills).
  • Ross is so clever and always was but sometimes he was naive in his life and especially in his love life. But he is a caring father, a great friend and an understanding person. But the most important for me is that he was always so madly in love with Rachel.
  • Joey.. Joey is the best. Maybe he seems to be a little dummy but he has the most clever feelings and he is the most amazing friend could ever someone have (and he doesn't share his food and that's why I love him).
  • Last but not least Chandler always was the most insecure but always had the most amazing and sometimes akward humor with insanely funny reactions. He is there for his friends when they need him but for me his humor is all we need.

I could really make a really long post writing about this show but I won't (anymore). If you haven't seen it I think you must at least try it.

And you should definitely watch the follownig:

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