He is scared of his dad's hair! Se asusta del cabello de su papá

in GEMS2 years ago

Buen día comunidad! luego de un largo tiempo de ausentismo a
Como se imaginaran han pasado muchísimas cosas, muchos paseos y anécdotas que contar en todo este tiempo!.

En esta oportunidad me gustaria contarles sobre la tarde de ayer, donde luego de unos meses largos decidí cortarle el cabello a mi hijo Gonzalo y a mi esposo!

En la tarde comencé por Gonzalo, el cual colaboró quedandose quieto y quedó muy contento con su nuevo corte de pelo!

Good morning community! after a long period of absenteeism
As you can imagine, many things have happened, many walks and anecdotes to tell in all this time!
On this occasion I would like to tell you about yesterday afternoon, where after a few months they decided to cut my son Gonzalo's and my husband's hair!

In the afternoon I started with Gonzalo, who helped by staying still and was very happy with his new haircut!

Al atardecer llegó mi esposo de trabajar y antes de que fuera a darse una ducha accedí a cortar su cabello...
Gonzalo estaba allí mirando y su papá le ofrece la maquina de cortar cabello diciendole: "tomá cortame vos el pelo" a lo cual el niño accedió cortando parte de el cabello!!!

At sunset my husband came home from work and before he went to take a shower I agreed to cut his hair...
Gonzalo was there watching and his father offered him the hair clipper saying: "Take a cut for me," to which the boy agreed, cutting part of the hair!

Miren la reacción de este niño al ver que le había cortado el cabello a su papá!!!

Look at this boy's reaction when he saw that he had cut his dad's hair!!!

No lo podía creer! se quedó impresionado y sin palabras!

Me dio la máquina de cortar pelo y terminé lo que el niño empezó...

I could not believe it! he was impressed and speechless!

He gave me the hair clipper and I finished what the boy started...

Cuando Gonza vió a su papá totalmente calvo exclamó: Ahora estás pelado! mientras lo miraba con desconfianza!

When Gonza saw his dad completely bald, he exclaimed: Now you're bald! while he was looking at him suspiciously!