Playing Chess With A Pigeon - A Tale By GPT

in GEMSlast year

Now and again, I get sucked into idiotic exchanges with the yapping terriers of ignorance more commonly known as flat Earthers. I know this is stupid because it is akin to attempting to play chess with a pigeon. The dumb bird is ignorant of the rules, knocks over all the pieces, shits all over the board, and then flies off, thinking it won.


So with this thought pinging around my brain, as I read a Facebook reply from a flat Earther stating that, "We don't know what causes eclipses"; I decided to tap out of this idiocy and instead ask GPT to create an image of a man trying to play chess with a pigeon.

Here are the prompts and hilarious results. I used the GPT add-on, Super Describe.

Man Vs Pigeon

Create a picture of a man sitting at a table playing chess with a pigeon

Man Playing chess with a pigeon_1.webp

Hmm, the captured pieces are on the wrong side, indicating the man himself isn't too au fait with the rules, plus, even though the pigeon is losing, he has managed to capture one of his opponent's pawns!

This will not do!

Attempt 2.

Make it photo real, as if shot with a medium format camera, using 200 asa film

Man Playing chess with a pigeon_2.webp

Okay better, but the pigeon is still displaying some degree of knowledge. Sure, his King is out in the open, but I feel this shows the pigeon understands the concept of moving pieces around a board.

I don't mind the surrealist chess board here, if you look closely, the pigeon's Queenside bishop is actually a pigeon, and the King appears to have a little chess penis.

Attempt 3.

Not bad, now scatter some of the pieces and place pigeon droppings on the board, make the pigeon flap wildly

Man Playing chess with a pigeon_3.webp

Hmm, not sure what's going on here, more pigeons have turned up and the central one appears to be shitting out powdered chess pieces, whilst others fall from the sky. I like the look on the guy's face though! He looks as confused and pissed off as he should be, like he's questioning his decisions. This is good and I hope his expression is kept in the upcoming attempts.

Let's role the dice!

Attempt 4.

Lol, do the same, but with less pigeons

Man Playing chess with a pigeon_4.webp

Meh, we've gone boring with this, and the game is far too developed for my liking.

Attempt 5.

Okay, do the same but with pieces knocked over and more pigeon droppings on the board.

Man Playing chess with a pigeon_5.webp

Okay, we're adding more pigeons again. I like the apocalyptic nature of this one because the pigeons excrement appears to be made up of the brown chess pieces, if you look to the bottom right of the board, you can see some of the shattered pieces. I also like that a pigeon in the background appears to have exploded after taking a shot to the face.

The man's expression is also good in this one, he looks like he's thinking, "What in heaven's fuck am I doing here?"

Okay, this might be the one, let's see if we can get the bird poop more photo realistic.

Attempt 6.

Make the pigeon droppings white like bird poop

Man Playing chess with a pigeon_6.webp

Lol, I give up, the bird poop looks like sawdust; however, the man's expression does seem to convey the futility of the whole exercise. So overall I'm satisfied with the results, I think the fifth and sixth ones are my faves, I'd probably try and get some kind of amalgam of the two.

Anyway, I shall look at these any time I feel myself getting drawn into a pointless online argument, smile and bow out with grace.





I do it regularly - makes fun! Here is my last collection, part 4 is in preparation 😃

Wow! Those are actually really fucking cool!!! I like Midjourney, I use it a lot, but I'm discovering other ones too.

I use them for serious things as well, but these image journeys are fun as well :)
