in GEMS3 years ago


A special greeting to all my friends from Hive, this time I have the pleasure of presenting in this blog the steps to make beautiful boxes or cotillones. Many times we want to make a small detail to a child and we do not find the way to do it; With this blog you can easily, quickly and economically, elaborate your own gift boxes, which can serve as cotillions for children's parties.

Un saludo especial a todos mis amigos de Hive, en esta oportunidad tengo el placer de presentar en este blog los pasos para realizar hermosas cajitas o cotillones. Muchas veces queremos realizar un pequeño detalle a un niño y no encontramos la forma de realizarlo; con este blog puedes de forma sencilla, rápida y económica elaborar tus propias cajitas de regalo, que pueden servir como cotillones para fiestas infantiles.

The first thing you should do is look for your materials:

• Corrugated card

• Silicón

• Paper for the pattern.

• Pencil, rule, scissors.

Lo primero que debes hacer es buscar tus materiales:

• Cartulina Corrugada

• Silicón

• Papel para el Patrón.

• Lápiz, regla, tijera.

Now let's elaborate the following pattern:
Ahora vamos a elaborar el siguiente patrón:


Once trimmed, we can place it on top of the cardboard and mark it to cut it accurately.

Una vez recortado, lo podemos colocar encima de la cartulina y marcarlo para recortar de forma precisa.


Then you can go sticking figures or details that you want to appear on your box and ready!

Luego puedes ir pegando figuras o detalles que quieres que aparezcan de motivo en tu cajita y ¡listo! ¡Ya puedes comenzar a armarla!


You can start asking it! Paste well the sides with your silicone, flush them with what you want to give; You can include roles, sweet and others, plus a decorative balloon is spectacular

Pega bien los lados con tu silicón, rellénalas con lo que desees regalar; puedes incluir papelillos, dulces y otros, además un globo decorativo le queda espectacular.


Thank you for taking your time to read my publication, it will be up to a new opportunity
Gracias por tomarte tu tiempo para leer mi publicación, será hasta una nueva oportunidad…



This is such a cute little project! Perfect for any small child to create using their favorite characters or designs...

I would suggest using a few more pictures for each step in your project. This will help those interested in recreating your project, and be pleasing to those of us simply following along. It will surely take a little extra time, but I think you will find it adds value to your post that others will appreciate.

Thank you for your lovely post, and good luck on Hive!!
