When my mind is floating

in GEMS4 years ago

I find great comfort in nature. I especially love rainy weather, with fog, thunders, clouds. When most people would go home scared of a storm, I go out. I do not know if it is the solitude, the smell of fresh watered down air, the almightyness of nature, something always lures me in on a cloudy day.

A couple of days ago I have lived one of the highest moments of my time in nature. I caught up such a foggy atmosphere inside a natural park that it felt like I was walking through a tropical jungle. I felt like Mowgly must have been somewhere in the trees, that surreal white lake fairies would be hidden into the forest and that a song of silence would whisper into my ear stop. Listen to this. It is finally quiet

A lot of the times I crave for genuine connection and companionship. It is not easy for me to find people who get me. I get used to solitude faster rather than to getting used to people who will not make an effort to understand me. I feel much more alone when I am not being understood. I am easy to talk to once somebody gets through my tough shell. Once you sit patiently and pat gently on my shell, the turtle Mary will have the courage to sneak her head out.

I am sure that my personality makes me so in love with rain and storms. In love with the things which people get scared of because they do not understand them. We often get scared when we meet people we can't understand...

I believe people fear, envy and judge what they can't classify. We often hurry to put people into a box, judging them accordingly. After life shows us our wrong doings, we often say to ourselves: if only I would have given them more of my time and more of my patience....

I always give time to rain to cover me with its smell and wrap me in her arms. I always have the patience to walk through a forest and listen to the silence. I always give time more time. It comes with aging, with maturing, with understanding. We can't understand if we are afraid. We can't love if we don't have patience.

Good things come to those who know when and how to wait. For a foggy blissful day when the feeling of happiness will be unveiled like a leaf is washed away and is born again under the rain.

The storm washes all away and leaves you floating in a state of admiring the power of silence. And then your mind is free and floats and floats and floats....Everything is weightless. The pain. The fear. The burden. The past. The future. You're just floating... In the NOW....

A couple of pictures taken in my rainy day



Our planet

our planet.jpg

See more of my b&w photography here


Have a lovely day and toodle loo!

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My photography

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I think that storms are an apt metaphor for whats going on now we holding to so much and the past where we don't see the storm clears a way for the future, only those that hold on get hurt, those that allow nature to take its course and adapt to it fair much better

Hey! Exactly! There will always be storms as there will always be winters and springs. It is up to us to adapt and act accordingly. Actually the only power that we have is to control our attitude and ourselves.The rest can only become an excuse for circumstances.

I find nature to be a great refuge for my mind and soul. It restores my equilibrium.

Thanks so much for always reading me, it feels nice to know I have nerdy cool reading ma posts kind of friends here😊😎📖


I agree, we cannot change the world only how we deal with what the world puts in our way, I get disheartened too with my struggles but you can let it change you or wait for change.

Lol its a pleasure, I enjoy picking your brain and reading your thoughts, I feel like your posts are honest, you're exploring and asking questions and I appreciate that

Oh you have a keen sense of observation. I do have a lot of questions and I am always curious. I feel I explore a bit of myself as well in every post. It is definetely an interesting process for me as well as a person. I appreciate that you can see that in my posts😊

Lol one of my very many useless skills, I can over analyse a lot of things. I think to remain hungry and curious is one of the few ways we can rage against the conformity of society. Everything wants us to do as we told but not do as we feel.

Real recognise real right? I feel like that's what the internet does it allows like minded people to find each other anywhere

Yeah! I heard one day a great saying, that the opposite of courage is not fear, is conformity. Oh wow that went deep for me. Just let that sink in.....

This is one quality of internet indeed, it is a good intermediary between people who in other situations would had never crossed minds. Or paths hihi

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That's your inner wild Mary who loves it.
I love your posts. I feel we usually talk about the same sensations and feelings.

"I always give time more time."

That's wise and yet so simple and difficult sometimes.

Hi Alejandra! Thank you very much, I do feel that we have similar thoughts. That is why I always like your posts too, hihi, a bit of kindred spirits as artists maybe?

We often fail to realise there is greater power in knowing how to wait. Rushing and always wanting things to happen fast can be counterproductive. We live now in a society which promotes fast fast. I feel we need to slow down and get back to basics. Learn to appreciate what really matters instead of chasing the insignificant shallow things.

I feel more peaceful when I am in nature, I can't explain it, but I feel we belong there more than we belong to concrete walls and cubicles


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I feel the same way i love walking in the rain through fog and hearing that thunder it sort of stimulates me more spiritually and freshens my soul.

Same here! I'm glad to see that more people share my vision! Have a lovely day😊

And it's a beautiful vision to have 😊

Have a great weekend @creativemary 😊

Hey! Thank you very much, have a great week-end too!

I love it when your mind floats! It's a rainy day for me too but it doesn't mess with my ability to experience the beauty of every single moment I have on this earth.

It was great to read! Peace and love!

Hey! Hehe, thank you! I like it too, it makes certain things and thoughts from my life much more bearable.

I love it when people realise there is beauty in the rain, in the storms. Having a state of sickness because the weather is bad is the worse thing people put inside their own head. Any weather which allows you to go outside and smell the fresh air is good weather. It is about the mental attitude most of the time more than about the weather.

I appreciate you reading this. I wish you a lovely time, enjoy the rain!

Hi @creativemary ! I love rainy weather, with fog, thunders too. People find serenity. One of my favorite activities is reading a book with coffee in the rainy weather. Of course on the balcony. :) Now all I have to do is wait for the rain. Nice photos btw.

Hello! Oh reading a book on a rainy day is almost mandatory, I always take books with me in my walks. You add the coffee too and then you have an amazing time with yourself!

I am so pleased to see so many people here see the beauty in the rain, see the potential in having time with yourself meditating, reading, enjoying short moments of bliss. In silence.

As I start to age, I realise I value silence and tranquility much more than I did before. I can understand why older people and wiser people retreat in the comfort of nature instead of chasing the next best thing in a crowded mall.

Nature is the best medicine. Sitting on a balcony and reading is just so beneficial that I wish more people would do it.

Have a lovely day, preferably with some rain☔😍😊

I think I’m old now. 😝 I like to listen to the chirping of birds in a quiet place. Housework does not allow me to read books. This situation really makes me sad. Everything was easier while I was single. 😔 I bought a new book. Maybe you know, Anne of Green Gables. I watched the series and I loved it. Normally I prefer the book. I hope I can enjoy the book this weekend.

Hey, you can listen to a podcast or audiobooks while doing chores. Or just a plain motivational speech on Youtube. You can always make your time more beautiful, just find new ways of adapting, I am sure you will find them.

Enjoy your book, I find it so nice that you are a little book worm like me😊I'm proud of you!

Yes, I can try podcast.

Sometimes I just watch my books. I like rearranging them. I often connect with characters in books. I cry with them, I laugh with them. Sometimes my family is kidding me. But I don't care.

I enjoy giving books. I think it is the best gift that can be given to someone. Previously my books were very valuable. But there are many poor students in my country. I am a sharer now. :)

Oh I congratulate you, this is a great initiative, to borrow books. I am sure that the right people will appreciate the gesture and actually read the books you borrow them!

nature is magic. I like the photo. Congrats

Hi! Thank you, I am a fan of black and white photography. It simplifies things and gets to the core of the feelings.

Nature is indeed magical. It is the only thing which will outlast everything. That is the beauty of it.

Listening the pigeon or cricket sound in the noon while sleeping on my bed but of course it could be good to be a hammock. And feeling the breeze slipping over your face make me feel awesome...Actually it is a kind meditation for me.But it is not a ritual for now...

Your pictures are nice also well-edited my friend...

Have a great day...

😊Very nice! Being in a hammock and enjoying the breeze of nature.... You described a perfect get away. On a beach.... Smelling the fresh salty air of the sea. Well we can already start dreaming.

I believe it is good to take time alone and meditate. About life, about past, future. But always being present in the moment while doing it.

The modern man is way too eager to be connected all the time to a society and to a rythm of life which consumes him, leaving him void and sad. We do not need so much technology, we do not need 1000 friends, we do not need hundreds of likes. We need to get in tune with ourselves and figure out what we really want and need deep inside. And this process can be done solely through meditation and in solitude.

Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by and reading this😊📖

Great photos.

Thanks for sharing and greetings from Mexico.

@tipu curate

Hey! Aloha Mexico! Greetings from Romania! Thank you for reading my post! I like monochrome photography, it is on my soul's liking.

Have a great day!

Awesome article.
How's the lockdown going?

Thank you! Good!

People who rule us imposed measures because of a virus.
i have a curiosity: What's the proof for the virus?

Nature is amazing (in every single way). It's so relaxing just look at it and feel it.

Hey! I agree with you. I prefer nature in my free time. I always make time for it. It is a mandatory thing for my state of mind

Rainy rainy rainy! These days are the ones I don't for no reason miss. The feeling to me is like Heaven😁. Love the photo. Being a fan of black, my best color, it really captivates me🥂

Hey! Thank you, I love rain so much!

You are so welcome!