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RE: My first restaurant ever - achieving my goal, thank you.

in GEMS3 years ago

To start with, I must say that you have taken a very bold step, I am intrigued by your passion.

I also felt a fear that by doing it many people would think ugly of my person, but my hunger to progress and do something was quite great

I am sure that nobody would think ugly of you after seeing this post, you have a proof of work, and it’s really amazing the extent you have gone to see your dream come true. And I pray that you shall never suffer loss, May you grow and expand beyond human explanations, Amen and Amen.

Those foods I see in your post, I think I would need to book a fight down there. I barely could take my eyes off it 😍😍.

I can tell you that you are up for greatness


Thank you so much brother 😊😊😊 I'm glad, Amen!!

Haha the food is yummy 😋