COVID-19 a never ending virus.

in GEMS3 years ago


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this valuable platform, continuing with my publications in this opportunity I will share with you a very important information, this information is related to the COVID-19 and its continuous advance within the world population, beyond the different efforts that different governmental and non-governmental entities have given to try to contain this deadly virus.

Since the appearance of COVID-19 in the city of Whan in China, this deadly virus has not given any truce and more and more thousands of people are infected and killed by it, there have been many efforts that many institutions have made to try to at least control this virus but it has not been possible and in this aspect there is a very important factor that has generated that it can not be controlled and are the people and/or citizens who do not fully comply with biosecurity measures helping the virus to spread.

Its continuous advance within the population has caused millions of deaths since its arrival in the world and at the same time it has mutated several times adapting itself more and more to the different situations or environments in which it is found, if we make a chronology of how it has mutated or simply how it has been changing since its first appearance, this virus has mutated about 5 times and each of its variations more contagious than the previous one, at the present time the Omicron variant or strain is the one with the highest rate of contagion, resulting in a greater number of dead people.


The Omicron variant since its appearance generated great concern within the environment of the institutions that maintain a hard fight to convert this virus and this concern arises because the mutations of this strain or variant focus on the recognition zone between the S protein of the virus and the ACE2 protein of human cells, just for that fact and this new variant is profiled as a more contagious and dangerous variant than its predecessor mutations. The World Health Organization has appealed to the public to prevent the further spread of this COVID-19 variant.

All efforts to create vaccines to help control this deadly virus by different laboratories, institutions and governments have not been entirely negative, but neither have they shown the required effects to contain COVID-19 once and for all and from my point of view this has not been achieved due to the lack of awareness that we human beings who do not comply rigorously and with much respect to the different biosecurity measures that have been imposed, remember that vaccines do not make us immune to the virus only helps us to cope with its effects once we are infected.

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Your post is so resourceful. And I agree with your every concern. People should make responsibilities to others and awareness to cope with this deadly virus. Stay safe 🙏 ❤

Hi @anusrimollick, certainly as thinking human beings we must do our bit to keep control of this situation that affects us with the virus, that is why I make the call of conscience and take care of ourselves.

Thank you for posting this , yes i agree with you people shoud be more aware of the deadly danger of covid19

Greetings @khadijojo, it is unbelievable to see people on the street without mouth covers, it seems they don't care about their lives, that's why we must take care of ourselves because of irresponsible people.

Now We have to strengthen our immunity rather than taking medicine and searching for vaccines

Hi @aimee.tariq, your comment is very accurate as after receiving the vaccine we must keep our immune system strong to ensure that the virus does not enter our body or at least its effects are weak.