Day 1 in Caripe: A trip with friends| Vlog [ESP/ING]

in GEMSlast year

¡Hola, Comunidad de Hive!

Hello, Hive Commnunity!

Hay planes que salen de una manera tan espontanea que nos llenan el alma, así nació este viaje a Caripe que emprendí con la mejor compañía del mundo, @lucianav , @manu-gp y @montaine23. Como todo en la vida, no nos salio a la primera, nuestra idea era salir el domingo a las 9 am o 10 am, pero, no todos estabamos listos a esa hora, así que, alrededor de las 12:30 es que ibamos a partir y pasó algo que no esperabamos.... Se rompió un muñon del carro de mi novio y quedamos varados.

Yo no sé mucho de mecánica, pero, resulta que eso hizo que el carro no pudiera arrancar si quiera hasta adelante, tuvimos que llamar a mi suegra para que lo llevara a comprar el respuesto y para completar la situación era domingo, así que no habían muchas cosas abiertas en la ciudad. Al final lo pudo comprar, pero, decidimos no irnos por la hora y porque debíamos alinear el carro para poder salir.

There are plans that come out in such a spontaneous way that they fill our souls, so was born this trip to Caripe that I undertook with the best company in the world, @lucianav, @manu-gp and @montaine23. Like everything in life, it didn't work out the first time, our idea was to leave on Sunday at 9 am or 10 am, but, not all of us were ready at that time, so, around 12:30 is that we were going to leave and something happened that we didn't expect.... My boyfriend's car broke a stump and we were stranded.

I don't know much about mechanics, but, it turns out that it made the car not even start until the front, we had to call my mother in law to take him to buy the spare part and to complete the situation it was Sunday, so there weren't many things open in town. In the end she was able to buy it, but, we decided not to leave because of the time and because we had to align the car to be able to leave.

El domingo igual fue divertido porque terminamos hablando y comiendo perros, todos dormimos en casa de mi novio, dónde aproveche de hacer contenido en la noche y al día siguiente llevamos el carro a alinear, nos dieron luz verde para viajar y nos emprendimos en este viaje hacia Caripe. En el viaje iba escribiendo la producción del programa de ese día, lunes, siempre responsable, al llegar a Sábana de Piedra, que es donde nos estariamos quedando en casa de nuestra bella Luci.

Ese mismo día comimos y en unos 15 minutos estabamos en la plaza de Caripe, dónde esta la iglesia, cercana a ella estaban unos pequeños negocios, los cuales eran cafes, entramos a uno y pedimos chocolatito caliente, costaba 30 bolívares (menos de 1$) yo estaba bien impactada. Nos tomamos muchas fotitos y luego fuimosa un lugar llamado "La Bodeguita", el cual, sinceramente me encantó, aquí me pedi un frappe de mora y fresa, que tiene un poquito de alcohol, en este punto, empezamos a hablar y a divetirnos.

Sunday was still fun because we ended up talking and eating dogs, we all slept at my boyfriend's house, where I took the opportunity to make content at night and the next day we took the car to align, we were given the green light to travel and we set out on this trip to Caripe. On the trip I was writing the production of the program of that day, Monday, always responsible, when we arrived at Sábana de Piedra, which is where we would be staying at our beautiful Luci's house.

That same day we ate and in about 15 minutes we were in the square of Caripe, where the church is, near it were some small stores, which were cafes, we entered one and asked for hot chocolate, it cost 30 bolivars (less than $ 1) I was well shocked. We took a lot of pictures and then we went to a place called "La Bodeguita", which I honestly loved, here I ordered a blackberry and strawberry frappe, which has a little bit of alcohol, at this point, we started to talk and have fun.

Luego, decidimos subri a la casa en sábana de piedra, porque ya estaba por caer la noche, fuimos a un pequeño lugar allá y jugamos uno, cenamos pan ese día y nos quedamos hablando hasta la 1 am, un poco de la vida de todos y los proyectos/ sueños que tenemos, fue muy divertido vivir eso con amigos. Nos reimos mucho esa noche y luego nos fuimos a dormir.

Realmente tengo que decir, que por un momento pensé que no iriamos porque se nos presentaron muchas pequeñas cosas que nos impedían salir, pero, ese día cuando por fin llegamos sentí una felicidad inmensa. Realmente me emocionaba viajar con mis amigos y mi novio, apagar la mente un ratito de todo lo que me pasa diariamente.

Then, we decided to go up to the house in a stone sheet, because it was about to get dark, we went to a little place there and played one, we had bread for dinner that day and we stayed talking until 1 am, a little bit about everyone's life and the projects/dreams we have, it was a lot of fun to live that with friends. We laughed a lot that night and then went to sleep.

I really have to say, that for a moment I thought we wouldn't go because we had a lot of little things that prevented us from going out, but, that day when we finally arrived I felt immense happiness. I was really excited to travel with my friends and my boyfriend, to turn off my mind for a while from everything that happens to me daily.

Lo mejor de todo este viaje también fue poder recopilar muchísima inspiración para mi contenido, todo se los estaré compartiendo poco a poco, mientras tanto, espero que se hayan disfrutado este pequeño vlog.
Nos leemos prontito.
Cami, viajera.

The best part of this trip was also being able to gather a lot of inspiration for my content, I will be sharing it all with you little by little, in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this little vlog.
See you soon.
Cami, traveler.