On this day I am going to comment on some of my favorite phrases, with which in a certain way I have motivated myself, I have helped myself by saying it that way, to get ahead in those situations that become somewhat difficult, and it is not that I generate some kind of super power, is that they make me think, reflect and strengthen my will.
- Si no es sencillo el proceso, significa que vale la pena.
Esta frase siempre la tengo en mi mente, y la vinculo con todas aquellas metas y objetivos que me planteo, bien sea desde el punto de vista personal o profesional, y es que cuando nos proponemos lograr algo, nadie nos garantiza que va a ser sencillo y es muy probable que se presenten muchos obstáculos, situaciones adversas en las que nos toca improvisar, y es en estos momentos donde viene esa frase a mi mente, me ayuda a no decaer ó, si caigo, me ayuda a levantarme y seguir luchando, al final, valdrá la pena haber pasado por todas esas situaciones, ya que nos dejarán una enseñanza y obtendremos la satisfacción de haber sido capacez de superarnos a nosotros mismos.
- If the process is not easy, it means that it is worth it.
I always have this phrase in my mind, and I link it with all those goals and objectives that I set myself, either from a personal or professional point of view, and that is that when we set out to achieve something, no one guarantees that it will be simple. and it is very likely that there will be many obstacles, adverse situations in which we have to improvise, and it is in these moments where that phrase comes to my mind, it helps me not to decay or, if I fall, it helps me to get up and continue fighting, In the end, it will be worth having gone through all these situations, since they will leave us a lesson and we will obtain the satisfaction of having been able to overcome ourselves.
- El tiempo de Dios es perfecto
Considero que Dios pone en nuestras vidas todas las cosas a su debido tiempo, sin afanes, pero eso lo único que significa es que debemos trabajar duro en ello para lograrlo, y él hará lo suyo. Creo en que cada cosa que nos pasa en la vida. bien sea buena o mala, viene predestinada por Dios, en consecuencia por nuestros actos, es decir, si actuamos bien, nos pasarán cosas buenas, son actuamos mal, tarde o temprano el karma o la justicia divina hará de las suyas.
- God's timing is perfect
I believe that God puts all things in our lives in his due time, without haste, but that all that means is that we must work hard at it to achieve it, and he will do his thing. I believe in everything that happens to us in life. Whether good or bad, it is predestined by God, consequently by our actions, that is, if we act well, good things will happen to us, if we act badly, sooner or later karma or divine justice will do its thing.
- No tienes por qué esconderte detrás de lo mínimo o lo que ya tienes bajo control. Atrévete a más.
Esta frase me gustó mucho cuando la leí la primera vez, la extraje de un libro que recomiendo al 100%, Véndele a la Mente, No a la Gente de Jürgen Klaric, y básicamente lo que quiere decir es que no nos conformemos con lo que ya sabemos o somos capaces de hacer, que debemos ir por más, busquemos mejorar aún más nuestras capacidades, busquemos lograr cosas más grandes de las que ya hemos logrado. A cómo yo lo veo, nuestro tiempo en este mundo es relativamente corto, debemos aprovecharlo al máximo y dejar una huella.
- You don't have to hide behind the bare minimum or what you already have under control. Dare to more.
This phrase I really liked when I read it the first time, I extracted it from a book that I recommend 100%, Sell the Mind, Not the People by Jürgen Klaric, and basically what it means is that we do not settle for what We already know or are capable of doing, that we must go for more, let us seek to further improve our capabilities, let us seek to achieve greater things than we have already achieved. The way I see it, our time in this world is relatively short, we must make the most of it and leave a mark.
Hasta la próxima amigos👋
Until the next time friends👋
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