Luego de jugar durante algunas semanas debo admitir que los colores de las cartas abiertas te hacen querer comprar mas.
Se utilizan variantes de suerte, calidad ademas de un valor empresarial y un mercado de comunidad.
Cuando comienzas a abrir sobres tus primeras semanas después no puedes parar esperando conseguir algo.
After playing for a few weeks I must admit that the colors of the open cards make you want to buy more.
Variants of luck, quality, business value and a community market are used.
When you start opening envelopes your first few weeks then you can't stop expecting to get something.
Juego de Cartas Estado Unidense!
Actualmente observo canales que duran 3 o 4 horas completas abriendo sobres.
Existen algunas empresas como Pokemon o Dragon Ball que an comprendido a la perfección como funciona este mercado.
Entregan cada vez menos sobres pero con su recipiente de metal y con detalles estéticos.
En sus inicios un jugador comienza con un sobre luego aumentan a 10 y finalmente terminan comprando cajas completas.
Currently I observe channels that last 3 or 4 full hours opening envelopes.
There are some companies like Pokemon or Dragon Ball that have understood perfectly how this market works.
They deliver less and less envelopes but with their metal container and with aesthetic details.
In the beginning a player starts with one envelope, then they increase to 10 and finally they end up buying complete boxes.
Carta Colecionable Yu-Gi-Oh!
Sera una burbuja.
En Chile existe una comunidad llamada mitos y leyendas lleva mas de 20 años en funcionamiento.
El mercado lo acepta , lo valora y la empresa a reimprimido sus cartas esperando que los coleccionistas no sean egoístas.
Caso contrario a sucedió en Estados Unidos con Magic donde an firmado papeles legales para no reimprimir ciertas cartas.
En Chile las cartas Mitos y Leyendas su valor se a mantenido estable
Caso contrario en Estados Unidos las cartas Magic mas coleccionables su valor a aumentado un x50.
It will be a bubble.
In Chile there is a community called mitos y leyendas which has been in operation for more than 20 years.
The market accepts it, values it and the company has reprinted its cards hoping that collectors will not be selfish.
This is the opposite of what happened in the United States with Magic where they have signed legal papers not to reprint certain cards.
In Chile, the value of Myths and Legends cards has remained stable.
On the contrary, in the United States the value of the most collectible Magic cards has increased x50.
How to support the internet.
How the stability of the people represents politics.
Lack of constancy leads you to be anti-productive.