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RE: The STEEM/HIVE Saga is becoming a Case Study for all of Crypto...

in GEMS5 years ago

After the end of world war two, when the Nuremberg trials, 'Held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice," took place. even though it was a military tribunal trial it was through international laws that the trials were held. Granted this is not as atrocious as the issue then, however it expands through many countries and many laws, and has the potential to impact many countries and laws. There were three exchanges involved in the initial attempted take over, so if there is a more fitting place for a world court hearing to resolve the issue for each individual involved then it should be there.

There may be individual involved that are completely not protected by their countries laws, it may not be considered a crime in some countries at all, and there may be no recourse for some individuals. The only solution to get a real settlement would be on the world stage.


I was hoping you weren't comparing this to Hitler and Nazi Germany... no luck :)

It is a world wide issue, would you rather each and every person caught up in the theft have to file separate lawsuits in their own countries, and then have the possibility of Sun's lawyers showing the issue was already resolved to all the other countries. In America you are supposedly protected from what they call double jeopardy, mean not being able to be tried for the same crime twice.

The use of Nuremberg as a location was symbolic in only that it was the first place a trial that resolved a problem that spanned many countries took place. A large number of people involved in social crypto sites have a deep mis-trust of governments.

Where would you suggest a trial be held? At UN Headquarters? At NATO Headquarters? In Beijing perhaps? Or maybe in France? Or do you want each and every person to hire their own lawyer and not have the ability to file a class action type lawsuit?

I myself am not part of the frozen accounts, I have not had my steem stolen yet. Block Chains are not contained in a single country, they are contained in the world.

Solo como nota al margen: Ya existe un tribunal internacional activo, La Corte Penal Internacional CPI con sede en La Haya, Holanda. Y aunque solo juzga crímenes de guerra, esta la figura del Arbitraje Internacional para dirimir disputas comerciales. Agradezco estas publicaciones que aportan luz acerca de este mundo virtual que aun no comprendo.

The Hague would be another good place, I had forgotten about their court, I just think the trial should be done in a very neutral location, and a symbolic one also that has a history of revealing the truth.