Meet E's Dog - Allen, and the stray - Damy

in GEMS4 months ago


Yesterday I went for a morning walk with my girl E. E and I are close neighbors. It was a slow morning, no electricity so I couldn't do much work. I told her I wanted to go for a walk and she was about to walk her dog too. I was taken aback to see Allen all trimmed and shaved, I laughed at him because he looked ridiculous without his luscious body of hair. It was my first time being up close with him because whenever I visited E's house, they always put their dogs out on the balcony. Yeah, dogs, because there is Rudy too. I dare not come close to Rudy, he's no fun.

When Allen saw me at the gate, he hesitated to come out, and when I tried to hold his leash he wouldn't move. The most part of our walk was spent trying to get Allen to relieve himself but he wouldn't. But he did do something interesting. Turns out Allen likes to pee on car tires. It was funny watching him raise one of his little legs to to do that. Also, he peed over another dog urine patch on the way. E told me he does that to establish territory over other dogs. How cute.


E's mom called to take over the dog walking so we were left alone. Then somewhere along the way, we met this guy, let's call him Damy. Damy is the resident Estate stray dog. I saw him often and he would always follow me. I admired how independent he is, always out on his own but I never indulged him.

It wasn't a shocker when he saw us and immediately began to follow. E played with him and even gave him a threat. He accompanied us on our walk, running and jumping up on E, not me because I still didn't indulge. I was polite though.


We were returning when we ran into E's mom equally retuning with Allen. Damy ran up to Allen but E's mom attempted to shoo him off. We told her he means no harm. There and then, both dogs sizing sizing each other up. I thought the sniffing band touching for a little too much for strangers who literally just met but what do I know. We parted ways after their face off though I think they would make great friends should they have they opportunity which I highly doubt that.


Thanks for stopping by. ♥️

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dogs can be such fun characters funny he likes to go on tires

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk

Have a great day

Thank you. Have a lovely day too.
