Today I Learned: The Worst Sinners Can Love God the Most!

in GEMS9 hours ago

Wow, we can really learn a lot from the daily readings and Gospel. Today is one of those days where we learn very important lessons. Let's talk about it.

Sept. 19, 2024 Mass Bible Readings:

First Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11
Gospel: Luke 7:36-50

What We Can Learn From Today's Mass Readings


I. A Convert, Revert or Renewed Catholic Can Truly Identify With St. Paul the Most!

If you have still not repented of your sins, you might not understand what you're going to read. Heck you might not even care. 😂

Anyway, for us who have finally returned to God's flock we can surely identify more with St. Paul who wrote all those letters in the New Testament. At least I do. Because I really feel grateful to God for His infinite mercy and love that I finally belong to Him alone.

And His grace! Ah to have more of it... 🙏

I can only write praises and pray many times a day as much as I can. If you've been reading my posts since last year you will see I only talk about God now. I can't stand watching sinful shows and movies and such anymore. Such abominations are disgusting to me now.

And so I write in order for others to know how to be free of their demons too. It isn't easy. Nobody wants to read such things nor engage with it except other Christians who aren't Catholic. (That's how demons operate, divide and conquer. 😂 Okay that's a topic for another day, or just read this other post of mine on spiritual pride.)

Going back to the first reading, you can read how St. Paul sees himself. Truly only converts, reverts and renewed Catholics will know what it's like to be in God's embrace! We become like St. Paul who saw Jesus Himself then finally became a Christian. Our minds have been opened and we truly understand more on what is written in the Bible. Ah the glory of being with Him and only thinking, seeing, speaking and writing of anything about Him. 😍

I say, blessed are those who have personally seen Jesus, even the risen Christ. We Catholics can "see" Him everyday too, physically in adoration chapels worldwide. So don't waste time doomscrolling and get in there, pray and stay at least for 30 minutes! And if you do other requirements you can even get a plenary indulgence! Ah blessed be God forever. ❤️

II. Jesus Taught How We Can Be Forgiven!

I went to mass today and the priest said something in the homily that I never knew or realized before. In Jesus' time, there was no concept of absolution or forgiveness of sins through the Sacrament of Confession yet. And before He eventually taught that to his apostles, He already informed people how our sins can be forgiven!

Read the Gospel today and you will learn about the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and wiped it all with her hair. She also kissed His feet a lot! The woman even anointed them with ointment afterwards! 😱


What is the lesson here? What do we need to do so our sins could be forgiven like her? It's been repeated often enough for those who go to mass regularly or have learned much about Catholicism: Repent, serve and love God! But of course I never knew that before, I never understood it as much as I do now.

And then as I was writing this, I realized more. I mean, who in the world would even think of doing such a thing like she did?

Nobody, no one would ever do something like that to someone unless the person indeed truly loves the other a lot!!! Only such a great love can make someone do something most people would call "beneath them" or "as lowly as a slave". Meaning, when we are full of pride, we can never love as much as we can. (Ain't that the tragedy of every generation.)

This is why Pride is one of the 7 Deadly Sins. And this evil trait comes from demons; no thanks to Original Sin too. Humility indeed is the only virtue no demon can imitate, according to St. John Climacus.

And so, like the sinful woman, we can be forgiven too! Repent by frequently going to confession. This helps us a lot in combatting sin and our evil inclinations. Don't waste what Jesus gave to His apostles which we all can take advantage of until now. We can confess our mortal and venial sins monthly, bi-monthly or even weekly! Examining your conscience everyday before you sleep helps too.

Then, just like what St. Paul and the woman did, we will eventually finally serve (doing works of mercy) and love Him!

III. The Worst Sinner Can Love God the Greatest!

As Jesus said in the parable from the Gospel of Luke, the one who has the greatest forgiven debt will love his creditor more. And that someone who is forgiven little also shows little love.


No wonder then that St. Paul became a great Apostle to the Gentiles like you and me. (We aren't Jews but Gentiles, every one of us Christians who aren't Israelites.) He was a great persecutor of early Christians but through God's grace he was converted! And boy oh boy what a complete turnaround huh! 💪

It is no wonder then that an ex-Satanist who became a Catholic could suddenly spend 18 hours everyday in front of the Blessed Sacrament too! I mean, who does that? And why?

When I learned of that person early this year, I could not understand how they do (or did) it. I mean, why would anyone spend such a looong time in an adoration chapel? Who can do such a thing in this day and age? Today I learned that apparently, only someone who has a great love for the Lord!

Ah I kind of envy them now for the depth of their love for God. I was not even half of the sinners they were before my so-called renewal last year. So now I know why I find it harder to love everything about God.

Don't get me wrong, I can finally say I love God but I feel like a sham sometimes. You know, being someone who still cannot get rid of all the bad habits I've accumulated my entire life, where's the love indeed?

And so, I still need to grow this little love that I finally have. 😥 How about you? How much do you love God? Do you think you can love Him more than St. Paul or the other worst sinners out there like the converted Catholic I mentioned?

What have you learned from the Word of God today?


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Written by @artgirl for Hive
© Art x Stephanie Rue / Lucy Stephanie

@artgirl is a freelance writer/blogger/artist, online seller and real estate agent.

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