The easiest thing in the world is to criticize

in GEMS4 years ago

It is said that the easiest thing in this world is to criticize others, while the hardest thing is to correct oneself. It has become a habit in our society that everyone wants to get rid of personal responsibility by blaming others, which is also the main reason for failure. Everyone criticizes the government for diverting attention from basic needs and focusing on other things, but most criticizes the people who, if caught violating the law, give right and wrong arguments instead of apologizing. However, not admitting the mistake is the biggest mistake. If we can do something, then just criticize, so instead of calling others bad, reconsider your evils so that the society will improve and people will breathe a sigh of relief.

Criticism is not a bad thing at all. When done constructively and positively, it leads to reform, while unwarranted and unwarranted criticism for the sake of criticism, instead of reform, leads to corruption. There are definitely constructive and destructive aspects in every person from all walks of life.

Therefore, if the critic, while criticizing, pays attention to the correction of the person's deed while respecting the person's character instead of degrading the character of the person, then surely positive results will be drawn, because instead of criticizing the wrong thoughts or wrong thinking. Deliberate attempts to degrade or humiliate a person lead to such negative attitudes in response, which creates an atmosphere of war and strife between the parties, which leads to anger, resentment in the nation, especially among the younger generation. Causes sugar and stress.

On the contrary, with a positive attitude, tolerance develops, and the person in front is forced to respond in the same tone, even if he doesn't want to. In such cases, endurance and perseverance are created, from which even a mountain of criticism can be easily endured, and endurance and perseverance is actually another name for patience. Patience is a difficult process, but doing it in response to criticism is actually a therapy that draws man closer to God and makes him beloved by the Creator. The Qur'an says, "Allah is with those who are patient." In such a case, when Allah is with them, then all difficulties and troubles remain for man.


