Life under the hot sun has become our daily life as a community living on the coast

2020 photo by @arispranata5 via smartphone, Location Aceh
The same is true for our children. they dissolve in various games, as if they forgot that at any time the big waves will endanger them. Apart from all that, life must go on, because only they will replace various positions from the inheritance of their parents
Life that takes place here is so hard, dangerous and could at any time take casualties, such as earthquakes and the devastating tsunami struck a few years ago sourced from the turbulent sea
But we always believe our children, that there is no one guarantee that everyone will be safe somewhere. both near the ocean or at the height of the mountain, there is no guarantee that someone's life will be safe, because we step on the same nature, under the same sky and on the same earth that is God's creation

2020 photo by @arispranata5 via smartphone, Location Aceh
For us, this is where our lives are, we here we are raised, educated about the rigors of life. here too we can learn to respect each other, help each other and always uphold social life for the sake of togetherness
After understanding all that, there is no longer fear and anxiety. All of us live with a belief that God is always with us, that God's help is always there for us. That's what we always tell our children. And when they grow up they can become our successors who are noble, socialist and respectful of one another
Although some others argue that the seafront is a dangerous place. Especially for living and settling there, but we are not affected by the opinion of some people
For us living in the village and in the city are the same, because of the lack in the city but the strength in the village, and vice versa. Life will be good and prosperous if we are always grateful for what we have, that is the key.

2020 photo by @arispranata5 via smartphone, Location Aceh
The point is, you can stay anywhere, with rich or poor status, but one thing to remember is to always be grateful for whatever we have. Thank you all, it still exists in steem blokchain because we are steem. Always optimistic and don't forget to be happy
Captured taken with OPPO F1plus | © Image & text are my own | Category : SmartphonePhotography | Location : North Aceh-Indonesia.

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