Dear GEMS community,,,
Corona and steem viruses are two of the main topics most frequently discussed than the others. For us, in dealing with these two different things, of course, has its own tricks. The point is never to panic, not be afraid, not hesitate and always feel optimistic
Always optimistic
The local government has indeed issued a statement to deal with the corona virus that is, dismiss schools and educational institutions for 14 days from March 16 to 30. The specified holiday limit will change depending on the development of the virus itself from day to day
In response to this, this decision is not the best for us, bearing in mind that children's education must be prioritized because it is their future, let alone a long vacation, it will certainly make them difficult when facing tests later. Regardless of whether you like it or not, it is a government decision that must be carried out.
Back to nature

2020 photo document by @arispranata5 with smartphone
To meet the nutritional needs, we have special tricks to anticipate the deadly virus, especially the people of Aceh or Indonesia, have staple rice. For us, the village community, compote is an additional food to cover nutritional needs. compote is a collection of some original food ingredients that we immediately get around the house, like cassava, glutinous rice, corn, coconut and so on

For us, this is a typical food from the past until now. This special fasting month food is believed to increase stamina, anticipate toxins and can be healthy, because in this compote has mixed various food ingredients that contain four healthy five perfect
Steem and SBD prices continue to decline

2020 photo document by @arispranata5 (screnshot)
Not only corona virus, steem and sbd prices which continue to decline also do not escape from everyone's discussion, especially users and lovers of steem blokchain. As active users on steem blokchain, these two problems have always been a topic of discussion every time we gather in the fields, the sea or in a coffee shop

As humans who are religious and believe in God, it seems there is nothing we need to fear because all of that is God's will. what we need to do is always feel optimistic, always feel that it will pass. No need to feel afraid of the situation that has developed so far. stay focused and live this life properly, hopefully we can all get out of various problems
Thank you GEMS community

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