After so long being hit by hot weather and drought, today all the people of Aceh in some areas look happy, because the rain that is expected finally falls to wet the earth

This is the first time raining since entering 2020. After entering the 16.00 hours (wib) cloudy atmosphere began to be felt in several areas, all residents looked enthusiastic waiting for the splash of rain water. And sure enough, as the proverbial dry season says a year can be removed by rain a day
Today is a happy day for all levels of society, from children to adults. Especially after a few months of drought. And after a few months in hot weather. It is not only humans who experience it, but also animals and plants

- All levels of society incessantly give thanks and thanks to God who has sent down His Grace in the form of rain. small and large trees join in smiling happily, as do all other inhabitants of nature. Unfortunately, I could not record all those beautiful moments, because the rain was accompanied by lightning which made me afraid to take pictures with a cell phone camera

- I only dare to record the moment when I was at home, and when the rain stopped a little. I can only record that moment only through video and share this beautiful moment in one of the Watshapp groups. Here are some pictures that I scrooted (screenshot)

- A similar atmosphere is seen in other houses, where children are the first to feel happy. They are truly immersed in happiness, playing and taking a rain shower together like in a water boom or a children's playground. The first rainy moment seemed to belong to them

- Until this article I made, the rain has stopped and we all hope it will rain again later in the middle of the night or morning, so that farmers' crops can be harvested

However, all members of the community continue to work in other ways such as making new wells or drilled wells to anticipate drought, as they enter April until May rice and several other crops will be harvested, so water needs are a top priority.
This is a brief moment today, it seems there is no happiness other than the rain pouring today. This is God's greatest and most precious favor for us after several months of drought and hot weather

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